Report from P&F 21 November
Report from P&F 21 November
Carols Set-Up Help
The Kalinda P&F team is kindly requesting help for Set-up on Wednesday 6th December, 2-3:30 pm. Tasks will include set-up of tables for BBQ, Snack Stall and Coin Toss, preparation of bread bags, and movement of small items from storage to sale points.
All jobs will be complete by 3:30 pm so you can enjoy the evening with your family.
Sign up at the link below
Chocolate Coin Toss Donations
Funds are now being raised by current Grade 5 ( which is 2024 Grade 6 ) students.
We are asking for any Chocolate blocks (All sizes, No NUTS and in-date & wrapped) - can be dropped off in the appropriate box at the Office from Wednesday 29th Nov - Mon 4th December. The coin toss will be held on the night of Kalinda Carols and run by the students.
Again we thank all families who assist with their time and make these events run smoother.