Grade 5 Community News

We have completed our study of the history of British colonisation in Australia, the students have greatly enjoyed discussing the impact of the Gold Rush and Eureka Stockade on Australia and its Aboriginal people. This week we will be starting our new reading to learn unit, wonder.
Please ensure your child is reading each night and logging this in their journal.
In Writing, the students have continued learning about Historical Recounts. The students have been focused on researching the area of British Colonisation that interested them the most and will begin finishing their own historical recount. In week 6, the students will move to our new topic, book reports.
Vocab during Week 5, the students completed a vocabulary cycle with words from our new serial text entitled ‘Nanberry’ by Jackie French. The students participated in activities such as adding the words into a Frayer chart and creating their own definitions of the words using synonyms. The words can be found below. Cycle 4: Ragged, Barren, Seized, Gleaming, muted.
During Week 4, the students concluded their unit on ‘Angles’. Throughout this unit the students have focused on labelling and measuring angles. The students enjoyed the hands-on activity where they created monsters and letters entirely out of different angels. During week 5, we will begin learning about chance.
For extra practice at home, students can log onto ‘My Numeracy’ and ‘Mathletics’ to complete tasks and consolidate what they have learnt in the classroom.
The students have continued learning about building skills to establish and manage relationships. They demonstrated empathy and respect when role playing conflict resolution techniques. The students are ready to practise these skills in everyday life!
We encourage continued discussion with your child at home.