Grade 2 Community News

Dear Grade 2 families,
As we head towards the end of term 4, our teachers are so proud of all of the growth the grade 2 students have made thus far. We still have so much exciting content to learn about in all learning areas and sensational educational events coming up!
In Reading, we have just finished learning about great inventions and their inventors. We learnt about how technology and transportation has changed over time to make our lives better and more interesting. This week we are starting to learn about the human body. We will be exploring the 5 senses, how Anton Van Leeuwenhoek discovered bacteria and what this means for us as humans and the connection between cells and tissues. These lessons assist students in being able to comprehend information in informative texts and answer literal and implied questions.
In Writing, students been working hard in their syntax lessons to include different conjunctions to extend their sentences and join dependent and independent clauses together. The conjunctions we have been working on are ‘since’, ‘although’, ‘however’ and ‘actually’. We have also been learning about FANBOYS and how this acronym represents the 7 most common conjunctions used in sentences. These are For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet and So. We will be beginning our unit of persuasive writing very shortly where students will be learning about the language devices authors use to persuade their readers. Students will also have the opportunity to write their own persuasive texts.
In Numeracy, we are coming to the end of shape and transformation unit. Throughout the unit, the students have learnt the features of 2D and 3D shapes. They have also learnt how explain the effects of one step transformations for eg. Looking at a shape that has been turned, slid or flipped. Our next unit of learning will be looking at Australian money and finding the total value of notes and coins.
As mentioned previously in other newsletters, our words for Vocabulary this term have come from our serial text ‘Rowan of Rin’. Students have enjoyed reading this text so much that some classes have even begun reading the next text in the series.
Week 5 Vocabulary words: Stumble, pity, obvious, dissolve, depart
In Morphology, students have been learning about how suffixes and prefixes can be added onto base words to change the meaning of words. In week 6 we will be looking at the suffixes ‘ly’ and ‘ment’. Some examples of these suffixes in words are achievement, lovely, happily, encouragement and argument.
Digital Technologies
In Digital Technologies, the students have been learning about how to be safe online. We looked at creating a safe, secure and long password. The purpose of this lesson was to show that passwords can be easily remembered or guessed by others if we do not make them safe, secure and long. Students completed an activity where they were to come up with their own password and lock it into a lock template that they were given. In week 7 we continued looking at online data and information.
- Please ensure that you have paid and given consent for your child to attend our Scienceworks excursion happening in week 9.
From PLC2