Connecting, supporting, and giving back
Connecting, supporting, and giving back
Movember is just around the corner, a time to stand together against the challenges of mental health, suicide, prostate cancer, and testicular cancer.
Here's how to get involved in just three simple steps:
Sign Up
Choose How You'll Mo
Raise Funds
Remember, we'd love to see your progress, so get posting on social media. Let's make a difference together!
Leigh Jackson, Salesperson from FN Gore is incredibly thankful for the support she receives in her business. It means she is able to pay it forward to the local community and sports groups.
This month she has contributed to these wonderful groups:
The HIIT Studio Gore in their fabulous initiative in getting an AED defib
The Nattering Knitter check out what fabulous things these ladies are up to!
Ice Sports Southland - Gore Ice Rink Gore Grizzlies under 12 team
We're incredibly fortunate to have Leigh as a cherished member of our FN family, consistently making a meaningful impact through her various acts of paying it forward.
FN Platinum Tuakau proudly served as one of the sponsors for the Onewhero Area School AG day, where they had the privilege of awarding trophies and ribbons. They were grateful for the opportunity to support their local community and be involved on the day.
In a dazzling display of photographic talent, the FN Riverton Facebook community recently witnessed the unveiling of six remarkable finalists, each capturing the essence of Riverton. Congratulations to Photo A - Mel Heddershaw & Photo B - Hayley Nelson who took out the prize of a $50 voucher for a Riverton business of their choice.
During November, listing your property with FN Ashburton enters you into a draw for a chance to win $3,000 worth of New World groceries.
Jana McConnon, Salesperson for FN Golden Bay, has been actively involved in fundraising for Takaka Primary School, aiding children attending Totara School Camp. An array of delectable treats have been baked and are ready to support this worthy cause.
FN Riverton orchestrated an exciting scavenger hunt, scattering children and parents across Riverton in search of a list of items. We've loved seeing the photos pour in, including the painted rocks of art which will be added to the Tarmea Bay playground 'Snake'.