Principal's Report

 Principal - Julie Hommelhoff 

Assistant Principal - Matt Saunders

Welcome to Term 2. We had a very smooth and calm start to our term. It was lovely to greet our students and hear all about the special activities had over the break. 

I will continue to work on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays this term. 

1st of May - Hats off Day is approaching

As of the 1st of May, students will no longer be required to wear their hats outside while in the yard. We still encourage sun smart behaviours and recommend that students wear hats while outside throughout the year.


Parent - Teacher Communications

Please ensure that you have connected to your child's ClassDojo page. This is a platform that allow parents and teachers to communicate privately regarding the education and wellbeing of their child/student.

Teachers will be increasing the level of communications through ClassDojo. If you require assistance in accessing ClassDojo please visit the reception at the school.


SENTRAL Reminder:

A friendly reminder that SENTRAL is our school management system. As a parent/carer, you now have the ability on SENTRAL to give parental permission for your child/ren to attend events that occur throughout the school year. If you need support with accessing SENTRAL please contact the school office and they can assist with your access codes.

If your details have changed at all, please update with the office staff. 

 Parents Action Group (PAG)

The Parent Action Group (PAG) are excited to be organising events to raise much needed funds for the fantastic programs we have here at ETRPS. If you would like to be a part of our PAG, please let us know via ClassDojo or simply call the office to express an interest. We encourage and support parent input as much as possible. Anthea would love to hear from you. 

Helmets & Safety

Lets start the term with 100% of our students wearing helmets for their safety when riding and or scooting to and from school.  

Should you require assistance when purchasing a helmet, kindly let our office staff know - we are here to help. 

Parents: can you please help us keep your children safe at drop off times. The gates are opened at 8.35 am. Prior to this time, there is no supervision. Children have been seen to be running in the bus bay, on the footpaths and in the gardens. There has been near misses, and reports made to us regularly, as the community is extremely worried an accident is looming.  

Students are to wait at the gate calmly until  staff attend. 


Respect, Inclusion, Responsibility, Resilience, (Academic Excellence)  


Have a great weekend. 


Julie Hommelhoff      
