Term Dates/Important Dates

2024 Term Dates
Term Dates 2024
Term 1- 29th January- 28th March
Term 2- 15th April- 28th June
Term 3- 15th July- 20th September
Term 4- 7th October- 20th December
Term 2
Wednesday 24th
-Assembly ANZAC Day
Thursday 25th
-ANZAC Day Holiday
Monday 29th
Book Club orders due
Tuesday 30th
-Student Led Conferences (10am- 6pm)
( Students are to attend school at their appointed time slots only, in school uniform)
Wednesday 1st
-School Assembly (2.30pm in the Centre everyone is welcome)
Thursday 2nd
-Boys to the Bush program
(selected students only)
Monday 6th
-Prep Info night (10am and 5.30pm school tours. Information evening at 6pm)
Wednesday 8th
-Curriculum Day (Student Free Day)
Thursday 9th
-Mothers Day /Special Persons Day
-Boys to the Bush program
(selected students only)
Friday 10th
-Campaspe Soccer Tournament
-National Walk to School Day
Monday13th- 17th
-Education Week
Wednesday 15th
-School Assembly (2.30pm in the Centre everyone is welcome)
Thursday 16th
-Boys to the Bush program
(selected students only)
Monday 20th- 24th
-Grade 3/4 Swimming 11.40am -2.20pm
Thursday 23rd
-Boys to the Bush program
(selected students only)
Wednesday 29th
-School Assembly (2.30pm in the Centre everyone is welcome)