Careers & Transitions

Set Educated Workshop
In partnership with Screenwest, Screen Careers is bringing together students and practitioners from Media education backgrounds for a Set Educated workshop on Saturday, 4 May 2024 at the ABC Studios in East Perth.
The workshop will help aspiring screen students navigate their way into the industry, while also showcasing the reality and variety of film work in Western Australia, it includes:
- An overview of the screen industry from our industry leaders;
- Insights from professional WA crew members;
- An overview of how to get your foot in the door;
- ‘Meet the Employer’ industry round tables;
- Networking opportunities.
This opportunity will best fit current and graduating Media students from disciplines such as Media, Arts, Photography and Accounting.
Here’s some press about the program FYI and tickets can be purchased here.
ECU Updates
CTF Construction Career Scholarship
2025 Applications Open Now
The CTF Scholarship program is designed for students who will be commencing years 11 and 12 in 2025. This fully funded program offers students the opportunity to work towards a Certificate II in Building and Construction while still attending school. Depending on their chosen pathway, selected students will attend an RTO either one or two days a week for either one year or two years, students will also have the chance to gain practical experience through on-site work.
In addition to trade-based options, CTF also provide Building and Construction Office Support pathways for students interested in a Pathway to become an office-based construction professional. As part of the program, CTF will cover the cost of all uniforms and boots and course tuition, and we will offer ongoing mentoring and support, along with other wrap around services.
Current Jobs
UWA ATAR Revision Courses