Principal's Message

Performing Arts Assembly
At our College Assembly on Thursday morning, we gathered as a community to acknowledge all those students involved in the Performing Arts – various Music groups and ensembles, Dance groups, and Drama. A particular highlight was the opportunity to celebrate the students involved in the recent minor College production of Take Two: A Comedy of Errors. This wonderful, fast-paced and ever-changing comedy saw five our students play an incredible seventeen different characters! It showcased their talents and was reward for their efforts over the last few months.
Throughout the year, I have the privilege and great pleasure of getting around to see rehearsals and many performances and I continue to be thrilled with the talent on display and the willingness of boys to share these talents so generously with our College community. Sometimes this is in the context of formal concerts, productions and performances and equally, it can often be in the support of Assemblies, Masses, Regattas or other College events. At all times, the support from our students in the Performing Arts is presented with humility and a genuine sense of service. It builds community and their example certainly displays a Spirit of Excellence.
Our assembly afforded us the opportunity to formally thank and congratulate the many talented and committed students in the very diverse area of the Performing Arts - to our musicians involved in our pipes and drums band, swing bands, rock bands, concert bands, orchestras, our many ensemble groups and our choirs; to our dancers involved in BIG, GIG and Imperium; and to those students involved in Drama. In congratulating the respective Captains and acknowledging students across all year groups, we were able to thank them for the consistent and varied performances they give, for the great success they achieve, for the positive example they set and for being wonderful ambassadors for our College.
What is particularly impressive about the students involved in the Performing Arts at this College is their dedication and commitment. While we admire the performance at events such as Concert Evenings, Productions and Presentation Night, such quality emerges from endless hours of practice, rehearsals and individual work. Further, as our respective students, staff and parents are no doubt very aware, much of this practice and rehearsal happens very early prior to school, or after a long day at school and often on weekends.
Such dedication to the Arts, and to improving personal performance and seeking excellence, presents some important values that we can all aspire to. Values such as commitment, teamwork, supporting others and in truly appreciating the whole while respecting the individual parts. Our Performing Arts students certainly work very hard, but I am sure they take great satisfaction in their performance which can be viewed as just reward for their tremendous effort. While I often marvel at their talent and the quality of their respective performances, I am particularly taken by the sheer joy that our boys get in performing.
Of course, the quality and quantity of performance that we get to enjoy as a College needs direction and development. As a College, we are blessed to have some very dedicated Teachers and Tutors. Led by Dr Robert Braham, they work with and alongside our students to nurture their skills and encourage a love of the arts. We sincerely thank them for their dedication and their ability to inspire our boys.
Live Jesus in our hearts.
Mr Darren O’Neill