Cyndees Café & 

Pastoral Care


Hi Mano folk,


Just bringing your attention to some of the ways your children may connect with one another and myself throughout the year.


Firstly, I run two café’s each week.  

These are child-friendly spaces of connection, belonging and fun for our students each and every week.


Chill’n with Kevin   runs each Tuesday at 8.30am in the round room space at 8.30 am.  It is for Prep- Grade 4 students, and it operates on a capped free token system. Children line up for a warm milo, sit in a circle and “chill” with Kevin, and may join in a simple activity until the first bell.


Senior Pop In Café (SPIC) runs each Thursday lunchtime at 2pm, and is also held in the round room space. This cafe operates on a capped free ticket system. Senior volunteers help to run this café. Students receive a milo, a biscuit and participate in lively group games!  


Pastoral Care is also available for students who require socio-emotional care and support through grief & loss, family crisis, friendship struggles and other difficulties they may encounter in their lives whilst attending Mano. I usually meet with your child for 6 sessions, and afterwards, I check in periodically.  You may speak with your child’s teacher, to Assistant Principal Mrs. Narelle Geary or chat with myself to access this support. Please note there is an info/consent form, and there may be a short wait before I can commence.


Warm smiles,


Cyndee Little  


School Chaplain  

Tuesdays & Thursdays