Kitchen Garden

Kitchen Garden Update
It’s wonderful to return to Term 2 and see our garden space doing so well! The sweet peas and radishes that were planted by Year 3/4C students seem to be coming through slowly but surely, and some of them have started attaching on to the tee pees that we also built. The seeds have caught up to the seedlings that were planted at the same time and it will now be a race (and a little experiment) to see which plants produce the sweetest peas! The herbs planted in pots by Year 3/4R students are also doing very well, with our mint that we planted from cuttings enjoying its new space and our parsley seeds all coming through and thriving.
Year 3/4N’s newspaper pots that I took home to nurture over the holidays are also doing well. A great tip provided by one of our parents was to create a greenhouse affect using plastic containers over the seeds, keeping them warm and moist whilst they germinate. This worked a treat and witnessing them pop up through the soil was very exciting! In a couple of weeks, we will be able to plant them directly into our garden beds. We also plan to harvest some of the amazing rocket that is flourishing and start preparing the beds for our winter crops.
Parents, carers and grandparents are all welcome to come and assist with our scheduled Kitchen Garden sessions. We love having your input and hearing your amazing wisdom, tips and tricks when it comes to gardening and cooking! Our garden and cooking sessions are always scheduled for Tuesdays with dates and times posted on our school website calendar. Please note that volunteers require a current Working With Children Check registered at our School Office. If you are interested in assisting, please email me in advance at:
We are so excited to get our hands dirty and tummies full during our Kitchen Garden sessions in Term 2!
Thank you,
Leda Semercioglu
Kitchen Garden Coordinator