Chatham Challengers

Coming up Term 2, 2024 | The Human Body – Anatomy & Physiology
Chatham Primary School |
This new Chatham Challenges unit of 8 lessons develops an understanding that the human body is an integrated system of many separate systems. Learn about your skin, circulation and nervous system. Learn about your skeleton which supports the whole body, your brain which enables knowledge, courage, honesty and curiosity. Learn how to use Socratic questioning. Research skills will be taught. In Week 8, we will all share our new knowledge, just as the body shares all its systems to make a whole person.
Chatham Challenges Application for 2nd Term 2024
This program is available for all Year 1 - Year 6 children who have qualified for Chatham Challenges.
The unit for second term commences week beginning Monday, 29th April, 2024.
The unit will run for 8 weeks commencing: Monday 29th April, 6th May, 13th May, 20th May, 27th May, 3rd June, 10th June (Monday King’s Birthday), 17th June.
Chatham Challenges Teacher: Noel Blacker: Mobile 0409 435 396
I wish to enrol my child in the unit "The Human Body – Anatomy & Physiology” week beginning Monday 29th April 2024.
School: Chatham Primary
Child's Name: _______________________________________________________________________
Home Group: ______________
Parents' Names: _____________________________________________________________________
Mobile ____________________________ Email: ___________________
My child has already qualified for Chatham Challenges YES/NO
I would like a free test for my child YES/NO.
I would like my child to be tested with a fuller assessment to qualify (assessment $500 inc GST).
The cost of the program is $276.10 (fees $251 plus GST of $25.10)
To access the Chatham Challeneges program for 2nd Term 2024:
Please send the Enrolment form only to Noel Blacker: email: noelblacker by
Wednesday, 24th April , 2024.
Payment of $276.10 (inc GST) also needs to be received by Wednesday 24th April 2024
Payment: Access Re-Ed Services Pty Ltd (Chatham Challenges) BSB 083218
Account No. 516636659 (Please include your Child’s name, Full Grade Title and School so
I know who the payment is for)
Please contact me, Pat Truscott, on mobile 0407 313 657 if you have any queries.