Head of Primary Years' Report

Welcome back to Term 2. It has been pleasing to see the students resume this term and so far it has been a great start with students and teachers busy with their learning and looking forward to many exciting events and opportunities throughout the term. I had the pleasure in attending the Year 3 Excursion this week to the Melbourne Museum to explore the Bunjilaka Aboriginal Cultural Centre where the students were immersed in a hands on learning experience to support their Curiosity History learning.
Our Ready Prep Go Program began last week and we were excited to invite our prospective prep students to the school where they took part in a storytime session in our library. Thank you to Miss Bowlen for her help with the session. Prep enrolments are currently open and enrolment forms are available from the office.
Mothers Day Breakfast was held this week in our Performing Arts Centre. There was a smorgasboard of breakfast items and the presentation was amazing. I enjoyed meeting many families, mums, grandmothers, aunts and special guests. I wish all mums a lovely Mother's Day on Sunday.
Our College will be open next Tuesday morning the 14th of May as part of Education Week. We welcome families to come along to the College to see the wonderful work of our students and to experience our learning spaces. We will also have morning tea provided in the staffroom.
Andrea Lynch
Acting Head of Primary Years
Hazel Glen College