Upper Primary Learning

UPA has had an inquisitive Term 2 where we explored the relationship between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon. A highlight was when we all got to go inside a blow-up dome in the gym and see the night sky unfold before us and the story of Earth and the Sun began. Students were eager to learn more as they developed their language around key words each week like, rotate, orbit, axis and began to ask more and more questions. These student-led questions drove our discovery unit each week as we researched, explored and students participated in various experiments to look at the relationship between the Sun, the Earth and the Moon and incorporated their experiences in their writing.
Students engaged in various styles of text types from websites, live video feeds from space, books, and videos and learned the impacts the Sun and the Moon have on Earth.
Another highlight of the term was the construction of our paper Mache Planet Earth, we used a flashlight to highlight how the Sun creates day and night, and the moon’s various shapes we see in the night sky. To finish the Discovery Unit, students explored the four seasons and how each Season is made from the rotation and distance from the Sun.
In Maths we continued to develop our number sense and place value working with single, double- and three-digit numbers. Students also developed their skills further in time and used a daily calendar to keep track of our days and upcoming events.
Students in UPA also worked hard on their social skills learning to ask questions to peers and engage in making connections through conversation during our morning circle.
Students also joined with UPD each week to build on their team building skills and participated in activities that incorporated turn taking, sharing, problem solving and self-control attributes.
UPA thanks Jasmine for all her wonderful support in our class this term.
There are lots of development in UPB in Term 2.
In the Discovery unit, we investigated the Sun, Earth, and Moon. Students engaged in many experiments to look at the relationship between them. It was amazing to look at books and videos about them and talk about how the movement has an impact on our life. For example, we used a flashlight to demonstrate the change from day to night and why the Moon looks different throughout the month. We looked at some key words like rotate and orbit and learned to incorporate them in our writing.
In Maths, we worked on time and number knowledge. It was nice to see students become more confident telling the dates from a calendar and counting the days until familiar events happen.
Thanks again for all your ongoing support.
Looking forward to another fabulous term together!
Throughout Term 2, students in UPC have engaged with a range of activities, continued to build positive friendships and worked hard to create a caring classroom environment.
In the Discovery unit, we have been investigating the impact the Sun and Moon have on the Earth. Students have participated in several hands-on experiences that have supported their understanding of the relationship between them. Students used a light, balloon Earth and handmade Moon to demonstrate the change between night and day, and why the Moon can look different depending on what phase of the month it is in. UPC looked at key vocabulary words such as rotate and orbit, using these to create sentences about the relationship between the Sun, Moon and Earth.
During the term, students also engaged in excursions and incursions, including visiting Watsonia RSL for ANZAC Day, walking to Andrews place and participating in a visit from Science Domes.
In Mathematics, students have been focusing on time and number knowledge. It was pleasing to see students become more confident identifying the dates from a calendar and being able to sequence familiar events.
Thanks to everyone for a wonderful first semester!
The students in UPD have completed an excellent term’s work by actively engaging in their learning, in all areas of the curriculum. There have been many stand-out moments for the students along the way, beginning with our ANZAC Day excursion at the beginning of the term. The students made their own poppies out of red tissue paper and were honoured to lay them at the Watsonia RSL cenotaph. They paid their respect to the soldiers in this way.
This term, the students have focused on learning all about the Sun’s role on Earth during the Discovery Unit. They have read informative texts to learn about the relationship between the Earth, Sun and Moon. A special highlight for the students was our incursion under the Science Dome viewing the planets, stars and the night sky.
The students have enjoyed creating their own models of the Earth, Sun and Moon to use in simulations, to depict how the Moon rotates around the Earth and how the Earth orbits around the Sun and the length of time this takes. The students have finished off this unit by investigating the Seasons, creating a season’s wheel and seeing how the Earth’s tilt has an impact on which season it is.
In Maths, the students have developed and consolidated their Numeracy skills by focusing on Place Value, Time and Addition activities.
The students have thoroughly enjoyed team building games with UPA this term to reinforce concepts about teamwork and sportsmanship.
All in all, it has been a productive term, full of meaningful learning and authentic language experiences.
The students can be commended for their hard work and diligence this term.
Debbie Jermyn
UPE has continued to demonstrate their positive attitude towards school both academically and socially. All students have successfully settled into the class following the classroom expectations and routines. Many friendships have been formed both within the classroom and across the Upper Primary section. All students have worked hard to achieve their goals across all learning areas.
UPE has enjoyed the various language experiences and excursions across the semester, in particular our trip to the Melbourne Museum focussing on the past, present and future theme.
We have worked together to create a safe and fun learning environment to support all students in their learning.
UPE will continue to follow the school expectations and values across the year highlighting the importance of being a learner.
Throughout the term, the courtyard underwent a complete overhaul, with major construction and excavation ongoing. Students have been fascinated by the disassembly of the old play equipment and the gradual assembly of an exciting new play area. It’s coming together and we are excited to see an (almost) complete play area at the start of Term 3.
UPF students can be commended for their hard work and diligence this term. They actively engaged in all areas of the curriculum, beginning with an ANZAC Day excursion where they made poppies and paid their respects at the Watsonia RSL memorial.
In the Discovery Unit, What’s the Reasons for the Seasons? students learned about the Sun’s role on Earth, read mentor texts about the Earth, Sun and Moon, and enjoyed a Science Dome incursion viewing the planets and the night sky. They created models to simulate the Moon’s rotation around the Earth and the Earth’s orbit around the Sun, concluding with a study on how the Earth’s tilt affects the seasons.
Throughout the term in Numeracy, the hands-on learning opportunities and explicit instruction enabled students to refine their skills in place value and time. This was evidenced by a final assessment that showcased their growth and comprehension in counting and place value concepts. Congratulations everyone!
Lastly, we extend our thanks to our Class Captain, Jamie, and our SRC member, Max. These roles hold significance not only within the classroom but also in Upper Primary and the school. We appreciate having such exemplary students representing UPF!
What a Terrific Term Two for UPG! We came back bright and ready to go after the Easter break. We finished off our Past, Present and Future unit by making our own poppies which were delivered to the Watsonia RSL.
Our students have developed so much knowledge during our unit on the Earth, Sun and Space. We completed a range of hands on activities and Language Experiences, and watched some super cool space videos which generated some amazing questions from the class; we went on to research the answers to our questions each week, and it’s been wonderful to see students incorporate their understandings in to their written work and class discussions.
We’ve been eagerly watching the progress on the playground construction, and the excitement at seeing our new equipment being installed was next level!
A big highlight of the term was our STEM Open Morning, the class thoroughly enjoyed having special family members come in to see their learning in action, and create their sun dials together.
I'm pleased to share that the students of UPH have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability during this term. Despite the many changes that have occurred, the students have continued to engage in class activities with enthusiasm.
This term our Discovery Unit has investigated the Sun, Earth, Moon and the Seasons. Students engaged in many experiments to look at the relationship between them. Reading informative books and watching videos on these topics, has opened many conversations between the students. We looked at some key vocabulary, like rotate and dormient and learned to incorporate them in our writing.
In maths UPH as a class have been learning how to use a calendar to track days, weeks, and months, bringing forward the class discussion around weekdays, weekends, holidays, and special events.
UPH have had a fun field term and we are very excited to see what learning in term 3 has in store for us.
Kirsten Telford
Leading Teacher
Wellbeing and Engagement
Occupational Therapist, Julia Cassin
Upper Primary have have been hard at work honing their fine motor skills this term! From making playdough creations to practising their handwriting, they're building the foundations for success!!
Speech Pathologist, Adriana Galioto
This term Upper Primary has been learning lots about the Sun, Moon, Earth and the Seasons. We have been celebrating our learning and writing achievements through publishing our writing pieces into class books.