Principal News

Welcome back everyone to Banyan Fields Primary School for Term 2. I hope that you are all feeling refreshed after the school holiday break because we have a busy term of Teaching and Learning to look forward to.


At the end of last term, we hosted our rescheduled tabloid sport event. The day turned out to be a great way to finish the term with students getting involved in a range of fun sport activities and many parents/carers also joining in the fun.


As you would already be aware, upon return to school we have building work commencing in our multi-purpose building. During construction we have temporary fencing around the building and some of our staff carpark is also being used as part of the construction yard. I will provide updates as often as I can on how things are progressing with the construction of our new STEAM centre. In the meantime, please be patient while construction occurs.


This week staff have undertaken a training update on the Child Safe standards. The Child Safe Standards are compulsory minimum standards for all Victorian early childhood services and schools, to ensure they are well prepared to protect children from abuse and neglect. Banyan Fields Primary School holds a strong commitment to promoting a culture of child safety throughout our school. I would like to ask for every parent/carer to work in partnership with us to ensure the safety of all children. Any concerns relating to the safety or wellbeing of a child can be reported to any staff member.

Today I had the pleasure of seeing some of the Immersion Day that our Year 3 classes participated in. The theme of the day was on explorers and with activities on location and map coordinates, map making, boat making and navigation. What an exciting way to make learning come to life!