Student Voice 

Student Voice : Springvale Campus

Woah! I can’t believe we are already 3 weeks into term 2, how exciting! There have already been so many special events happening within these few amazing weeks! For example, we had the Cinderella Alpha Theatre Production in week 1 as well as the first round of 

inter-school sport! We have had so many special and exciting new events, we can’t wait for more! 

On Sunday the 21st, our school captain Kerri-Anne and Prefect Jagpal along with our school captains from the Heights Campus (Eling and Ruhi) experienced the RSL Anzac march and service of commemoration. All the leaders who attended felt very honoured to be able to experience the commemoration service. It was a very respectful and sad event for everyone to remember the soldiers who sacrificed their lives for the greater good. ANZAC day is a vital day in Australian and New Zealand history and is commemorated every year on the 25th of April. They were able to pay their respects by laying wreaths at the memorial. At the service they were also flag bearers who held their RSL flag and others flags. During the service

we heard speeches from different schools, military personnel, school council members and even the vice mayor! It was such a beautiful experience.

Children’s Advisory Group 

On the first of May, the school captains from both campuses attended the children’s advisory group. They had an amazing time there as they started off by doing a vote on which suburb they lived in, they then did an activity where three school captains from any school got together to make an animal with their selected animal parts. It was crazy, exciting and creative all at once! They all got a chance to meet each other and have chats. After a while they were able to draw sticks that would decide what jobs they would do, using that they created a custom map of City Of Greater Dandenong and added places or stuff based on their selected job. After that very fun activity, they had morning tea which was fruits and popcorn! Delicious! After the appetising food, they had to write the things they loved most about the City Of Greater Dandenong, everyone wrote some amazing and kind things which was deeply appreciated by the council. They then had another visitor aka the people who made the festivals, like the snow festival or little day out. On the topic of little day out, they had to vote on a theme they wanted to do for this year's little day out which you can go to! It was extremely fun and exciting to meet the other school captains from other schools, the school captains from both campuses all hope to see them again!

Cinderella Theatre Production 

In the first week of term 2, we were lucky enough to be able to go to a theatre production run by ALPHA. We all walked to the town hall as we got into our seats. There was music playing to keep us all entertained while we waited for the show to start! The actors were absolutely amazing with their performances and have done incredibly well! I’m sure that a lot of children were deeply inspired by them and hoped to become just like them! The little children were excited and happy when their favourite actor went on stage, but the fairy godmother caught most people's eyes as one said to Mrs. Cottier, “I just know she’s amazing!”. How cute! After the performance ended, the actors all took a bow as we were amazed by them. After that, we packed up and left as we ate our lunches outside with our own grade, everyone talked about the amazing show performed by the actors on stage. One student even said their costumes were just amazing! After everything, we went back to school with a smile on our faces. We were so lucky we were able to go and watch!



Inter-school Sport and our new Hoodies

The SLC couldn’t wait until the start of this term! Why do you ask? It being the fact that they started Inter-school Sports!

The soccer team played against Lighthouse Christian college in round 1 and Heatherhill in round 2 and managed to score 2 wins! How incredible! The netball team played 2 games which in the end with their hard work and dedication, they won! Softcrosse were so close to winning the first round of inter-school sports but won the second. AFL nearly got there, scoring 6 points in the first round and 16 points in the second round, but in our eyes they are champions! In the end every team showed great sportsmanship, tried their best and most importantly they had fun! As well as this, the year six hoodies arrived and we couldn't hold our horses! It was absolutely breath-taking, and to add on to that, the hoodies looked marvellous on the field!  

SLC Maths Achievements 

The students of the SLC have been kicking their maths goals and moving on to much greater heights! Their understanding of probability and chance has mind blown teachers. They are able to predict, represent and record the outcome of something happening and are already zooming through the rest of the success criteria like a rocket! They are going even further and representing probability using percentages, fraction and decimals which is a year 6 achievement but even the year 5s are blitzing it! The teachers are very astounded by how much the SLC has grown their probability knowledge from the start to now and think the SLC is much better than the other learning centre. We hope to move on to the next learning cycle and achieve many more learning goals.

It has been only 3 weeks into this term and it has already been a blast! Just so you know this is not even everything and there is much more coming this term. One of these events is camp! We have been so lucky that our wonderful school council funding most of it. 😊 The SLCs determined and hardworking teachers have also been working hard to make sure everybody has their preferred cabin and the right dietary requirements. We must give the school council and teachers a huge thank you. Another thanks to the ‘Top Up’ swimming program for making our swimming free. How lucky! A few selected students are also going to participate in cross country. We should wish them good luck and hope they make it to the next round. It has been a wonderful 3 weeks and everybody has done an awesome job. Keep it up!


Springvale Campus School Captains


        Springvale Campus School Prefects           
