From the Assistant Principal's Desk (Heights Campus)

Highlights from Heights Campus 

As April drew to a close, our school community came together to pay tribute to those who served in the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC).


On Sunday April 22nd, our School Captains from both campuses were invited to represent Springvale Rise Primary at the Springvale RSL ANZAC March and Service of Commemoration. The ceremony began with the ANZAC March which brought together people from across our community. The crowd then listened respectfully as community leaders and guest speaker, Naval officer,  SBLT. Cinaed Finall  R.A.N/H.M.A.S spoke about the significance of the day. Toward the end of the event our School Captains laid a wreath at the ANZAC memorial.

The School Captains were not the only ones to pay tribute to the brave men and women who served our nation. On Wednesday March 24th the School Captains led students to hold a minute of silence before recess to acknowledge the ANZAC soldiers. Our teachers also planned a variety of rich educational experiences to increase students’ understanding of this important day. Students made delicious ANZAC biscuits in their  Kitchen sessions, during which they discussed the recipe and in particular why the biscuits do not contain egg. 


During art classes students from across the school made paper poppies as a symbol of remembrance. These were then used to create commemorative banners which were displayed as a sign of respect. 

Students were given the unique opportunity to connect with history first-hand as Mrs. Sampieri told the true story of her Father’s experiences as an ANZAC soldier.  They were fascinated to see and touch items of his uniform and his medals, each artifact serving as a tangible link to the past, reminding us of the sacrifices made by ordinary individuals in extraordinary circumstances.

Our foundation students in particular enjoyed handling the items and looking at the olden days’ photos. 


Such an amazing learning experience for everyone! 



Kind regards,



Mrs Sarah Orme  Assistant Principal

(Heights Campus)