Sport News

Ms Taylar Puskaric| Year 3 Teacher & Representative Sport Coordinator

Miss Belle Reid | Sports Teacher

Year 5 Interschool Sport Gala Day 

The students in Year 5 competed in three games against St Joseph’s, St John Bosco and St Catherine Labouré at Seymour Shaw Stadium on Wednesday 1st May. They had a lot of fun and showed sportsmanship and teamwork throughout the competition. They will compete in Round 2 of the Soccer Gala Day on Wednesday 29th May. 

MacKillop Rugby League Trial

Nash C, Ryan C, Taio D, Mac M and Wade P will compete at the MacKillop Rugby League Trial in Canberra on Friday. We wish the Year 5 and 6 boys all the best at the competition. 


MacKillop Netball Trial

We wish Emily U from Year 6 the best of luck as she travels to Canberra on Friday to compete in the MacKillop trials. 

Year 6 Interschool Sport Soccer Round 1

It was wet on Wednesday for the first round of the Year 6 Interschool Sport Soccer Gala Day. The Level 1 boys and girls teams competed in three games against St Joseph’s, St John Bosco and St Catherine Labouré at Seymour Shaw Stadium. The girls won two games, with the boys winning one game. 


We can’t wait to see how the rest of the Year 6 students go in Round 2 next week!







Ms Taylar Puskaric | Year 5 Teacher & Rep. Sport Coordinator




Sydney Catholic Schools Solo Dance Eisteddfod


During the school holidays, McKenna and Evie participated in the Sydney Catholic Schools Dance Eisteddfod, showcasing their solo performances. 


McKenna secured 1st place in her jazz routine and 2nd place in her lyrical performance. Evie achieved 1st place in her lyrical solo and received a Highly Commended recognition for her jazz routine. We extend our heartfelt congratulations to both dancers for their remarkable achievements.







Miss Reid | Sport Teacher