On Wednesday we ran our Mother's Day stall and had lots of excited kids choosing gifts for their mums, grandmas or someone special to them.
We cannot run these events for our children without some amazing volunteers.
A huge thank you to the following people for giving up their morning to help at the stall: Lorissa Belton, Jade Coull, Erin Holt, Maree Kantanos, Lauren McConchie, Lauren McGloin, Joanne Papanikolaou, Katey Penberthy, Nicole Rechichi, Lauren Thompson, Daniel van Stokrom, Louisa Virgato, Yi Cici Xi, Mel Vandergert, Michelle Douthie, Maria Jones, Marissa Rock, Angela Semple, Brook Tesoriero, Susie Lalor and Alana Bowen.
Meagan Baker and Clare Burrow
PFA Stall Coordinators