Music News

NEVR ‘Sonic Canvas’ Arrangements
Twenty-one EDSC musicians have been selected to play in the North Eastern Victoria Region ‘Sonic Canvas’ concert in Hamer Hall on Wednesday 29 May.
These students have been sent information on rehearsals for this event, which take place at a range of different schools. Please read this information carefully and note that you will need to make your own arrangements to get to these rehearsal venues.
On the day of the concert 29 May, there will be a bus to take you in and out of the city for the daytime soundchecks. You will need to make your own arrangements again in the evening for the performance.
Events are on Compass for all the rehearsals and soundchecks, please make sure Parent consent is given before the due dates.
Upcoming Rehearsals for 50th Gala Production
Our 50th Anniversary production is rapidly approaching on Thursday 30 May. There are many moving parts to this and students/families will need to stay aware of additional rehearsals that are being organised to accommodate current and past students performing.
Chamber Strings and Symphonic Band members will have additional evening rehearsals on 16 and 21 May to prepare the combined orchestra item. They will also need to attend the full dress rehearsals after school on Tuesday 28 and Wednesday 29 May. Please check Compass and your school email regularly to keep up with these arrangements.
Important Dates
9 and 24 May – NEVR Rehearsals various venues
16 and 21 May – Combined Chamber Strings and Symphonic Band rehearsals 7:30pm, PAC
28 and 29 May – 50th Dress Rehearsals 3:30-7:00pm, PAC
29 May – NEVR Sonic Canvas Soundchecks and performance, Hamer Hall
30 May – 50th Anniversary Production, PAC. Tickets available soon.
Sponsor a Seat in the PAC
We are inviting you to be a part of our Performing Arts Centre as a Seat Sponsor.
With your gift of $300 (Premium Seat in the front section of the theatre) or $250 (General Seating) each, you can play your part in continuing to upgrade and create a state-of-the-art facility for use by our students, as well as the wider community.
A plaque will be placed on the back of each seat you sponsor.
Commemorate your connection to EDSC in the name of your family, your son, daughter, business or someone else who is special.
This donation is fully tax deductible. A receipt for tax purposes will be mailed to you.