Principal's Report

Principal Report
A focus on Respect
In deciding what to share for this week’s newsletter I kept returning to the same theme; the importance of respect. Even more importantly, and in light of disturbing attitudes and horrific events that are all too commonplace in our society, I have been reflecting upon how we as a school community work together to ensure that we model, via our words and actions, behaviours that will stand our young people in good stead for successful futures.
I believe that we as a school community are of the same mind. We want the best for all our young people. Our desire is for them to have futures that are underpinned by healthy relationships, rich experiences and certainly futures where they are afforded opportunities to pursue their dreams and passions. At East Doncaster Secondary College, we have a view that no one should be held back due to their gender, cultural background, religious beliefs, sexuality, race or disability; in this way we are supporting all of our young people to thrive.
At East Doncaster Secondary College we have core values that guide us in all that we do. Respect, Fairness and Care and Compassion sit at the heart of the behavioural expectations we have for all in our College. We know that students thrive when they are in a nurturing environment. An environment where a strong sense of self-worth is fostered and where there is a focus on building others up rather than acting or speaking in ways that tear them down or devalue them. We aim to empower young people to have respect for self but also the courage to be advocates for others. This is certainly the message that we have been regularly communicating to our students this year via assemblies, Positive Futures and certainly in every classroom every day. This consistency and regularity of message is critical. By talking about these values regularly, and in leading by example, we teach our young people that respect is not something that should ever be negotiable; it should be the foundation of every relationship whether that is with family, peers, teachers or others they engage with in the broader community. This certainly extends to the online interactions that students are engaging in.
As a staff we have been undertaking significant work with regards to School Wide Positive Behaviours and exploring how we positively challenge behaviours and attitudes that do not align with our College values. We will be involving our students in these conversations and also our parent community. We all play a critical role in creating positive futures for our young people which will in turn contribute to the betterment of our society. I have every confidence that our parent community, students and staff will continue to work in collaboration to achieve our shared goal of supporting all of our students to be the best versions of themselves. I encourage families to have conversations at home that also contribute to the positive messaging around respect for self and respect for others. The more we have open conversations around respectful behaviours and attitudes, the more we can collectively challenge harmful stereotypes and prejudices.
City Experience
Last week saw half of our Year 9 student cohort participate in the College’s City Experience program. Students from 9A-9F were challenged to expand their knowledge of the City and to develop their independence and sense of self-responsibility. The week began with a Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony at their daily meeting point. During their week in the city, the students participated in an Amazing Race, visited Sea Life display at the Melbourne Aquarium, Old Magistrates Court, The Royal Botanic Gardens, The Shrine of Remembrance, The MCG, Old Melbourne Gaol, City Watch-House, The Big Issue classroom and the Queen Victoria Market.
In between the tram trips around the city precinct, the walking trails along Bourke, William, Flinders and Collins Streets, the lunchtime stops at the food-courts, a little window shopping and the entertainment from the city buskers, our students had the opportunity to participate in an array of enjoyable and educational pursuits that certainly expand their horizons from the immediate sphere of our local community. For many of our students this experience sets a real benchmark in their independence and adds a level of confidence in their ability to successfully operate in the wider margins of our community. Indeed, this experience becomes pivotal in preparing our students for the challenges of our Work Experience Program in Year 10.
I am sure that 9G-9L who participate in the City Experience program next week will also revel in the experiences that await.
50th Anniversary Concert
I am excited to remind our school community about our upcoming 50th Anniversary Concert. Taking place on Thursday 30 May. The evening will celebrate 50 years of the performing arts at EDSC with past and present students performing. The evening will be catered with light refreshments at the conclusion of the concert. Tickets will go on sale Monday 13 May at 9.00am via Trybooking.
Assessment and Reporting
With Term 2 well under way, all students are certainly focussed on their leaning goals and strengthening their application to learning across a range of subject areas.
Our Cycle 2 reports will be published on Friday 17 May. Their publication provides the perfect opportunity for conversations at home around positive approaches to learning and the importance of utilising feedback for ongoing improvement.
I would like to take the opportunity to remind families that our system of Cycle Reports sits alongside the visibility of learning tasks undertaken in each subject. Parents will be able to see the types of tasks that contributed to the Cycle result. A major element of producing Cycle Reports is the crucial role that feedback plays in the learning process. Students receive feedback on all assessed tasks and explore with their teachers, both at a class and individual level, the key areas for growth and strategies for improvement.
In addition to the supports provided to them by their teachers, I encourage all of our students to take responsibility for their learning. They can do this in many ways. By being curious and seeking to know more. By demonstrating resilience when the learning is challenging. By proactively seeking assistance. And by taking on board feedback provided to ensure future improvement and ongoing skill development. Developing such habits and approaches to learning will only serve to benefit them as they continue their educational journeys.
Exam Period
A reminder that the Semester 1 Exam period will commence in week 8 of this term on Monday 3 June. Exam timetables will be published for all students on COMPASS within the next couple of weeks.
Year 11 Exams will be conducted from June 3 - 14
Year 10 Exams will be conducted from June 11-14
Year 9 Maths and English exams will be conducted on Monday June 17
Please note that the GAT (General Achievement Test), will this year be conducted on Tuesday 18 June at 9.00 am for all students completing a Unit 3/4 VCE subject and for senior Vocational Major students.
Exams are an opportunity for students to challenge themselves to do their best and identify areas to work on in the future. I wish all students well during this period.
Student Achievement
Congratulations to Jiwoo in Year 10 for her outstanding tennis achievements.
She was a finalist in the 2024 JT Premier 250 Waverley Tennis Event which was held from 8 March to 11 March. Her outstanding performance at the tournament resulted in her being runners in in the U16 Premier Singles.
Jiwoo went on to compete in the Open 3K Maher's Total Tennis Services Event held from 6 April to 9 April where she was won the Women’s Open Doubles title.
She was also elected and invited to take part in thefor 2024 New Zealand National Teams Event -U17 held from 18 April to 22 April.
On all accounts we congratulate Jiwoo. Her passion and dedication to her sport is inspiring and she is deserving of her success.
School Saving Bonus
You may have seen the recent announcement of the School Saving Bonus, as part of the Victorian Budget 2024/25. We are sharing more information about how families will be able to access and use this support. This one-off support will include $400 for each eligible student to help families cover the costs of school uniforms and activities in 2025. It will be available to parents and carers of every child enrolled in a Victorian government school in 2025. Cash will not be paid directly to individuals or families. Instead, families will receive the bonus as credits on their school accounts that will help meet the costs of your children’s activities and uniforms.
Existing supports - The School Saving Bonus support will be in addition to existing and continuing means-tested supports for camps, sports, excursions and uniforms.
The application-based Affordable School Uniform program, through State Schools’ Relief, will continue to be available to families experiencing financial hardship or other forms of vulnerability and short-term crisis. This program allows schools to make multiple applications for support on parents' behalf throughout the year if needed. There will be more information and guidance about the School Saving Bonus in Term 3, 2024, ahead of its implementation in 2025.
Karen Boyle
Photographing, Filming and Recording students at East Doncaster Secondary College - Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice 2024
During the school year, there are typically many occasions and events where school staff may photograph or film students participating in school activities and events. These images are used for a variety of purposes including the school newsletters, (for example, of classroom activities or camps and excursions and events), Compass News Feeds, student identification, College magazine and display in school classrooms. We also arrange for official school photographs to be taken at the start of each year, including a class composite photo which is available for parents to order.
We ask that all parents please refer to the attached Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice.
Parents or carers can withdraw consent for their child to be photographed or filmed by completing the form on the Annual Consent Form and Collection Notice and returning it to Reception or via email