Level 3 & 4 Wonga Weekly

Week 4, Term 2



Well done to all of our Grade Three campers for a very successful and happy first camp! We are looking forward to another special week with our community and our upcoming Mother’s Day Morning.




Our Big Idea this term is Country.

We will be weaving in our CBL Learning into Literacy and Mathematics this week as we learn about Australian history and our local Wurundjeri seasons.


Essential Question: 

What can we learn and take forward from First Nations people, history and culture? 

Guiding questions 

What does Country mean to Aboriginal people? 

What happened when Aboriginal people lost much of their connection to Country (land, culture and language)? 

Why is it important to respect, understand and learn about all cultures, and continue our reconciliation journey? 


📚 Literacy


This week in Phonics we are exploring the er sound (ur, er, ir, or). ‘The purple bird sits on a perch eating a worm.”


In Reading, we will be using mentor texts to explicitly teach and model fluency. We will be text detectives, searching to find evidence in the text to answer comprehension questions.


At home you might like to:  when reading with your child, ask questions that require your child to look in more than one place to find the answer. Encourage your child to ask you a question about their text.


In Writing, we will investigate sentence types. These include; statements, commands, questions and exclamation sentences. We continue to identify nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs within a sentence


At home you might like to: write some simple sentences with your child, ensuring correct grammar and punctuation is used.


🎲 Maths


Students have been practising a range of addition strategies to assist in calculations without a calculator. This week we will delve into the relationship between addition and subtraction. 


Students will participate in post assessments for addition and pre assessments for subtraction, so please ensure that they bring a fully charged ipad to school each day.


At home you might like to: Ask your child to teach you the 'rock paper scissors' addition game. Use every day experiences such as cooking and shopping to immerse your child in tasks that require additive thinking.



Grade Three and Four Recipe Book 

After lots of editing, we are excited to announce that the recipe book is ready for printing!We will endeavour to have these ready for you by the end of next week. It is not too late to order your copy - please use the link below.





 📆 Dates to Remember

  • Wednesday 8th of May - School Photos
  • Friday 10th of May - Mothers Day Morning
  • Wednesday 15th of May - Hot Diggity Dog Day: details have been emailed home with the TryBooking link



  • No SAKG for Grade 4s this week so no helpers needed