Steiner School Requests for Autumn FAIR 2024

Requests for Items needed - FAIR 2024

Hello Steiner Community, 


Sign up here :

Craft Stall -

Crafty creations are arriving every day now, thank you to everyone for your efforts and support - reminder that all finished and unfinished items will need to be returned to the fair table craft tub by Friday 17 May, ready for the Craft-a-noon on Saturday.

A final Craft-a-noon will be happening Saturday 18 May from 2pm, this will be held at Elise's place - 6 Warburton Street. Final finishing off, and pricing of items ready for the stall. Come and join us there. For any further craft information check out the Craft Group post.


Thanks for all your efforts - very much in awe,

Hannah C

Class 2 are seeking assistance with baking fresh cakes for our cake and chai stall. Please deliver these items Saturday morning (the 25th of May) to class 2. Nuts are ok. Cream is not. Please consider a range of cakes both gluten free and vegan as well. 

Here are some recipes below (attached as a PDF) to inspire and support the preserves and jam stall for the Fair. We ask people to share their recipes as they are comfortable and to start preparing jars for the Fair. 

Lemons - donations of excess lemons would be greatly appreciated. 


Labels - preserves, cakes, any homemade goodies are on the fair table. If you require multiple labels with the same description, please email details to


Thank you, 



2024 Autumn Fair Raffle!

Dear Families,


We hope you received your golden envelope with details of the amazing raffle we are drawing at the Autumn Fair on the 25th of May. Please check your eldest enrolled child's school bag if you did not receive your envelope. Inside, you will find:


- a booklet of 15 raffle tickets to sell to family and friends

- a prize list (once you see the prizes, you'll probably want to buy the tickets yourself to be honest) -a ziplock bag to store the cash from ticket sales

- some fair flyers to drop in letterboxes on your street or to pin up at work

- a "how you can help" letter to ensure that this year's fair is as successful as possible


Once you have sold all the raffle tickets from your booklet, please return the booklet and cash to the School's Front Office. Extra tickets can be collected from here too, if your friends are yelling that they want more chances to win! All tickets, whether sold or unsold, must be returned to the School's Front Office by Friday the 17th of May. Thank you in advance for returning them promptly!

Time for a clean out? Wondering what to do with that unopened present from Christmas? Or the shoes the kids wore once and grew out of? Save it for the Steiner Fair Lawn Sale! We’d greatly appreciate it if you could save these items until the container arrives in a few weeks. 



Dear Parents and Carers in Playgroup, Billy Button and Ruby Saltbush,

Our Autumn Fair at The Alice Springs Steiner School is coming up! It's a time of celebration, community gathering, and joyous festivities, and we would love for you to be a part of it. Playgroup, Billy Button and Ruby Saltbush are responsible for the Little Kids Activities at the Fair, and Katrina and I are your Coordinators. 


The success of our Autumn Fair relies greatly on the support and dedication of our wonderful community. Whether you have a few hours to volunteer or a longer shift your involvement will make a significant difference in creating a memorable experience for our children and families. 


Little Kids Activities this year are:

  1. Felt Balls – Scrap wool rolled into balls.
  2. Bread Baking. 
  3. Face painting – We have booked two professional face painters for this, but the lines will need to managed.
  4. Story Telling x 3 times during the day – With M’Lis and Felicia in Cassia Room.
  5. Nature Mobiles – Sticks, wool, and natural materials.
  6. A treasure Hunt in the sandpit. 

Here are a few ways you can contribute as a volunteer:

  1. Little Kids Activities Assistant: Manage, support crafts, games, and activities on Saturday 25th of May. 
  2. Decorations, Setup and Pack up: Assist with decorations, signage, and setup and pack up tasks. This is on Friday the 24th and Saturday the 25th after 2pm. There will be a lunch and dinner served at the school for those helping to set up on Friday.
  3. Clean-up Crew: Join our clean-up crew after the event to ensure that our school grounds are left clean and tidy for the next day.


Volunteering for the Autumn Fair is not only a fantastic way to support our school community but also an opportunity to connect with fellow parents and carers and build friendships. You can bring your kids! So please put your name down on the If you have any questions, please email


Your participation will be greatly appreciated, and we look forward to working together to make this year's Autumn Fair a resounding success! Thank you for your continued support and dedication to The Alice Springs Steiner School.  Let's make this Autumn Fair an unforgettable experience for everyone!


Warm regards,

Hannah & Katrina