Strings & Music


Centralian Eisteddfod

All string students have been working very hard to prepare music for performance at the Centralian Eisteddfod on Monday afternoon 20th May at Witchetty’s, Araluen (from approximately 12:40pm). Students from classes 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 will be playing – do come and support all their musical sharings if you are able!


The full program of musical, dramatic and dance sessions is available online


Other musical opportunities to check out for students are the new children’s choir with Penny Elsley, and the String Camp at Stuarts Well May 31st – June 2nd.  See the posters below for more information! Both these events are offered by local musicians of high calibre from whom you will learn a lot and have fun in the process!


Best wishes,  Jane