Class 7 News


Voyages of Exploration


Werte Class 7 Families,


Class 7 students have a new appreciation for the Human Body, and how so many systems work together within, after their Human Physiology Main Lesson with Nicole McWalters. This Main Lesson examines not only the how of the body but emphasises the care of the Human Being and begins beautifully with a young baby. We were blessed with a visit from Carol’s second grandchild, Mica, who magically affected everyone in the room. 

Visiting teacher Nikkie, not only inspired the students’ minds, she got them using their respiratory system and helped them find their larynx through song, while they exercised dexterity on the guitar. Thank you, Nikkie, for your time and energy in Class 7, we hope to see you again.

In preparation for our adventures into Nitmiluk, Cutta Cutta Caves and the surrounding area, Classes 7 & 8 had a visit from Australian Earth Science Education. The students took part in hands-on activities getting close and personal with soils, fossils, and identifying the main rock types. It was great to put their developing knowledge from across the curriculum (C6 Geology, C7 Chemistry, C8 Chemistry and future Geology) into practise. Lachlan Hallett from Australian Earth Science Education shared his passion for our surrounding area, reminding the students of the geological wonders we have at our doorstep, as well what is waiting for us to explore further north.

Class 7 are now deep in their ‘Voyages of Exploration’ Geography Main Lesson: 


As the 13-year-old student seeks a broader horizon of the mind, the Voyages of Exploration Main Lesson seeks to awaken and nurture their sense of self, identity and belonging, with a love and awe of the mysteries of the Earth. This Main Lesson beautifully weaves together the History Main Lessons of the Medieval Age and Renaissance Period where world views were challenged with an impulse for independence and individualisation, so attune to the growth in the 13-year-old. Exploring the biographies of people who stand out in this period for making a difference provides insight into their challenges and achievements as well as their impact on society and the expansion of their known world. Additionally, the effects of these ‘discoveries’ on First Nations People around the globe are examined, emphasising the importance of considering diverse perspectives, and understanding the broader consequences of historical events.


The power of ‘wonder’, and the ability to reflect and challenge previous ideas is perfectly explored in the story of ‘Henry the Navigator’. Navigation itself incorporates so many worldly aspects of Geometry, Astronomy, and Historical World Views. Learning to read detailed maps and ponder over maps of old, helps the student reflect and seek their own authority from within, developing their powers of judgement. In turn, it nurtures their desire to be a part of the World Community. The exercise of drawing the world from four different perspectives of the globe is an example of building capacity for reflection, and ability to see another’s point of view.


Megan x