Class 3 News


Hope, hardship, bravery, & joy


Dear Class 3 Families,


The children’s first Friday with Katie and Brittany went so well!


At the moment, we are doing a literacy Main Lesson following the Story of Moses and Passover. This week, the children will celebrate a mini Passover Seder at school so we can experience the symbolism and the songs of this holiday that celebrates the story of Moses. It is quite an adventure and a lot of fun! This Friday, the children will be doing traditional Matzah making with Pam. Our next Main Lesson will be a maths main lesson focusing on the history of length.


Our play will be the story of Esther. This is a story about hope, hardship, bravery and finally, joy! We are hoping to perform it in Week 8, however there is a chance that it will need to be pushed to early Week 9. 


At home, you can support your child by:

  • Patiently allowing your child to practise their lines over and over :)
  • Listening to them read, encouraging them to stop when meaning is lost, go back and reread. 
  • Having discussions about the book after it is read, talking about the beginning, middle and end of the story, as well as any problems and issues that were solved and how this happened. 
  • Writing anything you would like me to know in their Reading Log
  • Practicing their times table with them in a fun and playful way, and when possible, in a meaningful context, for example. when you need multiples of something at home or when shopping. 


I am still finalising a date for the Class 3 meeting. It will be in the latter half of the term and will be a good time to talk about our camp. The camp will be at the Date Farm and will be two nights, from the 28th August to the 30th August. 


Have a wonderful week, and email me if you have any questions. 


