School News 

Burrendah’s Rigorous Academic Extension Program (BRACE)




BRACE has commenced on Mondays in the hall. Eligible Year 5 students build their critical and creative thinking skills using Number Mania, Hexagonal Thinking and 6 Thinking Hats. Organisational skills and good time management are essential for the BRACE students to flourish in this program. They have already arrived with curiosity and a zest for learning.

Responsibility and Reach

BRACE students have the same responsibility as everyone else….to develop their talents and gifts to grow, benefit others and contribute positively as active global citizens.

National Walk Safely To School Day

Friday 10 May 2024


National Walk Safely to School Day is an annual event when all Primary School children are encouraged to walk and commute safely to school. 

Burrendah would love to see as many students as possible walk to school on this day. Every student who walks to school will also receive a faction point from our Faction Captains as they pass through the school gates. 


Apart from the physical benefits, regular walking also has a favourable impact on children's cognitive and academic performance. Step into healthy habits and get involved today!


Looking forward to seeing as many Burrendah students as possible walking to school!


Janine Bain

Physical Education Specialist

School Parking

To provide a safer environment for everyone, authorised Officers from the City of Canning patrol school parking in the mornings and afternoons throughout the school term.


Drivers must know the road rules and understand signage around schools to ensure the safety of children, pedestrians and other road users. 


Unlawful parking in school areas is a major safety hazard and parking infringement notices may be issued for incorrect, or dangerous parking. 


Common Parking Problems

•  Stopping in a No Stopping area

•  Parking in a No Parking area

•  Stopping/parking on a footpath

•  Double parking

•  Stopping/Parking on a verge without the adjoining 

   occupiers consent

•  Stopping/parking at a bus stop

•  Parking against the flow of traffic

•  Parking so that the vehicle causes an obstruction


Tips for Parent

•  Observe Parking restrictions around the school

•  Stick to the speed limits at all times

•  Be aware – young children can be unpredictable and hard to see!

•  Be courteous and responsible

•  Use ‘Pick Up and Set Down’ areas correctly

•  Always be aware of children

•  Walk or cycle to and from school

•  Plan your trip so that you arrive earlier

•  Stop on the school side so your child does not have to cross the road

•  Use the crosswalk services at all times

•  Utilise parent’s parking bays and do not use Staff Parking areas


What NOT to do

•  Park or drive into designated Staff Carparks

•  Block driveways

•  Stop or park on footpaths

•  Obstruct children’s pedestrian crossings

•  Get frustrated – try and stay calm

•  Ignore speed limits around schools

•  Ignore parking signs


School Zones

40km/hr school zones are in place around every school. School zones operate from 7.30 am to 9 am and 2.30 pm to 4 pm. 


Pick Up and Set Down Areas 

Pick Up and Set Down Areas are designed to allow drivers a short period to pick up and set down children. Burrendah Primary School's pick-up and set-down area is on Pinetree Gully Road near the main entrance. Vehicles should never be left unattended when using the designated pick-up and set-down areas around schools


Connect is a secure online environment, for staff, students and parents in public schools. It gives our teachers a tool to deliver content to the students via an online classroom. This means your children can share with you what they are learning about, submit assignments and discuss issues together online anywhere, anytime. For you, Connect provides easy access to information relevant to your child’s classes.