Room 27 and Room 28

Kylie Stone, Deb Richardson and Amy Gatchell

Room 27 and 28 Assembly and Open Classroom

Today Rooms 27 and 28 presented their Mother’s Day assembly item.  We had a lot of fun creating, practising and presenting our item.  Thank you to all the families for coming and watching our assembly.  We would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Clark, Ms Lim and the EALD team for their amazing backdrop.  It looked wonderful.  Thank you to Mrs Lindley and the student leaders for their help in running the assembly.


Mrs Richardson, Mrs Stone and Mrs Gatchell would also like to thank all the parents and family members for joining us in our classrooms.  The students loved showing off their hard work and we really appreciated all the positive feedback. 


Parents, please remember that you are always welcome to come in before and after school to see the amazing work your child is doing.