
Student of the Week Award Winners-Week 9

Student of the Week Awards - Week 1

FMM- Isaac K

FJ- Brais D A F

1/2S - Gus R

1/2T - Asma A

1/2K - Mason R

3/4L - Will B

3/4J - Liliane D & Ahlam A (from last term)

3/4S - Hugo M

5/6J - Max M

5/6CB- Arlo M

5/6K- Charlee A

Birthdays Week1 and the School Holidays

Happy Birthday to ......

Vincent, Kally, Vivienne R, Lin Na, Raf, Isaac K, Emmylou, Billie, Domino, Mason, Billise, Bugatti, Mabel, Noah, Adesh, Baxter, Honey, Liliane, Oscar D, Rupert.

Student Learning- 3/4

This week in Maths, 3 / 4 J have been exploring acute, right, obtuse, straight, reflex and revolution angles. On Wednesday, students drew an object or place of their choice, and identified all of the different angles within their illustration. I really enjoyed the angle they took for this task!" 

3/4L have been exploring the different types of angles and produced pictures to show our learning. We created a key to help us identify acute, obtuse, straight, reflex, revolution and right angles.