Message from the Principal Team

Welcome Back!

We have had a great start back to school, with all our students and staff energised and ready for Term 2. This term is quite a long term of 11 weeks and we have a huge amount of work to pack into this timeframe. Some upcoming events include:

  • School Tours for Foundation 2025
  • Cross Country Years 3 to 6
  • Digital Safety Parent/Carer Workshop
  • Attitude to School Survey
  • Year 1/2 Scienceworks Excursion
  • Year 3/4 Immigration Museum Excursion
  • Year 5/6 Camp

Attitude to School Survey

During the next few weeks we will be conducting the Attitudes to School Survey with our students in Years 4 to 6. This is a statewide survey issued by the Department of Education and it provides great data on how we as a school are supporting the wellbeing needs of our students. The Positive Behaviour Support and Respectful Relationships (SWPBS/RR) Team will analyse this data and determine the future work across our school to ensure that we have happy healthy students who are ready to learn. 


Digital Safety and Wellbeing Workshop for Parents and Carers 

Tuesday 23 April 7:00pm

Next Tuesday, Steve and Bec from Evolve Education will conduct a Digital Safety and Wellbeing workshop for parents and carers. We strongly encourage at least one parent or carer from each family to attend this session.  As parents, we cannot keep up with the new challenges that our children are facing online however we can be informed. The workshops will cover the following topics:

  • Modelling safe and healthy practices at home
  • Participating in your child/young person’s online world
  • Communicating strategies to encourage help seeking
  • Supervising and supporting to minimise harm

Cross Country at Princes Park Wednesday 24 April - Years 3 to 6

Next Wednesday our students from Years 3-6 will be participating in the annual CNPS Cross Country (weather permitting). CNPS is such an inclusive school it is always a delight to watch our students support each other and cheer each other on at our sporting events. We wish all of the students in Years 3 to 6 the very best for their participation next week.


Curriculum Day Monday 15 April - Michael Minas

On Monday, our staff participated in a professional learning day with Maths Consultant, Michael Minas. Michael has worked in education for 20 years and is the director of Love Maths Consulting ( Michael was the editor of Prime Number from 2019 to 2021 and he has contributed to a range of other international publications, including the Maths300 website. Michael presents at conferences around Australia and provides consultancy services to the Mathematical Association of Victoria and PD Online. In 2018, his ability to shape learning well beyond his classroom was recognised when he won a CHOOSE MATHS Teaching Excellence Award.


Michael has been working closely with our Learning Specialist, Billy Candy, to develop a professional learning session tailored specifically to meet the needs of our staff and focusing on differentiation. 


Foundation Enrolment 2025 for Siblings

The enrolment process for Foundation 2025 has begun! We are now taking sibling enrolments for next year. If you have a child starting Foundation, please fill out the enrolment form below and email it to  

Alternatively, come to the office for a paper copy. 


Language at CNPS

Thank you to the 182 families who responded to the Community Consultation Survey for the language to be taught at CNPS. The top result was Italian, followed by Auslan, French and Chinese (Mandarin). Over the school holidays the school advertised for an Italian teacher, however, there were no qualified applicants and as a result we have posted no appointment. We will repost this position in the next few days with the hope to receive further applications. As noted within the community survey, completion of the survey does not guarantee that preferences can be accommodated. Language teaching is heavily dependent on workforce availability. We will continue to keep our community informed of the recruitment progress. In  the meantime, Ben will continue to teach Wellbeing as a Specialist Subject. 


Hat Reminder

CNPS is a SunSmart school and SunSmart recommends that we wear protective clothing from mid-August to the end of April, and whenever UV levels reach 3 and above. Students should be coming to school wearing sun-protective clothing such as:

• loose, cool, closely-woven fabric

• shirts with a collar and/or high necklines

• tops with elbow length or long sleeves

• longer style shorts and skirts

• rash vests or t-shirts for outdoor swimming activities.


Whilst the UV remains above 3 we will continue to wear hats when outside. We will notify our school community when hats are no longer required.