Parents & Friends Association News

Mother's Day Stall
In order for the stall to run smoothly and efficiently, we are seeking assistance from members of the community to help with setting up, serving students, wrapping gifts and packing up. If you are able to help from 8.00-11.30am (or any part of that time), please let us know via email
Mother's Day Raffle
Tickets have been sent home to each family for our annual Mother's Day raffle. Tickets are $1.00 each, and ticket stubs (with student name and grade written on them) and money must be returned to school by Thursday 9th May. The raffle will be drawn at assembly on Friday 10th May. If you would like additional tickets to seel, please see the office staff.
Cadbury Chocolate Box Drive
In 2024, the PFA is holding a Cadbury fundraiser as one of our main fundraising activities. Money raised by this - and other PFA events and activities - is going towards new playground equipment for the school.
On Friday 31st May, the eldest child from each familiy will receive a box of Cadbury Freddos to sell.
If you DO NOT want to receive a box of chocolates to sell, you must complete the "opt out" form that was sent home this week and return it to school by Friday 10th May.
There are also options to sell more than 1 box of chocolates, or to make a donation instead of selling chocolates. You must choosed these options on the form and return to school by Friday 10th May.
If you choose to take a box of chocolates to sell, all money and/or unsold chocolates must be returned to school by Friday 14th June.
Thank you for your support!