Keeping up with 5/6N

What's been happening in 5/6N?

5/6N has had a wonderful start to Term 2! We have been having lots of fun learning new things. Here are some of the things we have been up to lately:


First Aid Incursion

At the start of Term 2 the students had a First Aid Incursion with St John’s Ambulance. It was a great opportunity for students to understand the importance of their safety, the safety of others around them and what to do in the event of an emergency. Students got to practice performing CPR on mannequins. 


“I really enjoyed the First Aid lesson because it taught me how to help people in danger.” -Patrick

“I really appreciate knowing how to help someone in a critical condition.” -Zibo

“I enjoyed the First Aid incursion because you learnt how to help someone in a real life situation.” -Khushman

“I really like learning about First Aid because we learnt how to do CPR.” -Olivia

“I really enjoyed learning about First Aid.” -Alex


Public Speaking

The 5/6s are well underway with their Public Speaking incursions with Sandra De Geest. Each class has 8 sessions which run for 80 minutes throughout Term 2. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to build their confidence with speaking in front of their classmates, practice eye contact throughout their speeches as well as projecting their voices whilst speaking. Each student needs to write a prepared speech and some students are asked ‘off the cuff’ questions where they have one minute thinking time and answer on the spot. 


“I really like learning about Public Speaking and presenting the ‘off the cuff’ speeches.” -Angela 

“In public speaking it helps us improve our confidence and helps us with speaking in front of others.” -Kristy

“We are getting to learn and enjoy public speaking.” -Ashton

“I enjoyed public speaking because I got to learn about other people.” -Caris 

“I enjoyed it when 5 different people every week wrote a speech about themself.” -Ricky


John Hannah Hostel 

Earlier this term 5/6N did an activity with the residents of the John Hannah Hostel. The students and residents completed an Easter activity together. The students enjoyed their time with the residents and it was great and rewarding for the students to put a smile and bring some laughter to someone else's day.


“I really enjoyed spending time with residents.”  -Jacob

“I really liked doing the Easter activity with the residents.” -Noa

“We got to meet the residents from John Hannah Hostel and it was great to meet them.” -Justin

“I enjoyed spending time with the residents from John Hannah Hostel and our activity was drawing easter bunnies.” -Andy

“I enjoyed seeing the residents and they were really nice.” -Nicolas 

“I really enjoyed meeting the residents from John Hannah Hostel and getting to know them.”-Patrick 



5/6N Class Mass

Over the last few weeks the students have spent a lot of time preparing for our class mass which was last Friday. Our theme was ‘Friendship’. Whilst preparing for our mass, we spent a lot of time talking about gratitude and how we are grateful for all the friendships we have made along our journey at SJV. Our reflection was a slideshow which the students made about a special friend in their life. 


“I really enjoyed the class mass and seeing everyones reflection.” -An

“I liked how everyone was putting their best effort in.” -Aarush

“I really enjoyed the reflection slideshow because everyone took their time creating a slide for their bestfriend.”  -Kosal

“The class mass was really fun because everyone had a role.” -Duke

“I enjoyed seeing the reflection because everyone created a slideshow with their friend.” -Charlize 

“I liked creating the slideshow for the reflection.” -Felix