Life in 3/4H 

A bit of Orange for Harmony Day

Working Hard and Reaping the Rewards

The students in 3/4H have continued to demonstrate incredible dedication towards their studies, and they are proudly improving in various areas across the curriculum.


It is rewarding to see each child strengthen their reading fluency, their understanding of measurement maths, their knowledge of biological science, their grasp of spelling conventions and their appreciation of events such as Harmony day and Anzac day.


The students were fortunate to participate in a St John’s Ambulance First Aid course where they learned DRS ABCD which helped them understand how to assist in a medical emergency. The Cross Country event at school was also a highlight this term.


Enjoy the photos that demonstrate life at school in 3/4H.

St John Ambulance Visit

Working on our Spelling Rules

Daily Life - Tokens and Wheel Spins!

Our School Work