Principal Post

Dear Families,

 What beautiful Autumn days we are experiencing at the moment! Congratulations again to our Parish on their 60th Anniversary. The Dinner Dance held last Friday evening was a terrific success. 

On Monday at our assembly we had some of the staff talk about their memories of school and parish from years gone by. 


We hope all the families who celebrated Orthodox Easter on the weekend had a wonderful time with their family and friends.   

Mothers Day

To all our the SJV Mums and special women in our lives, we wish you a  wonderful day on Sunday. Please remember to wear some comfortable clothes to join in Zumba on Monday for our Mother's Day Breakfast.  May you be rightfully spoiled by your family!! Enjoy!

District  Cross Country

On Monday our  representative SJV Cross Country Team participated against competitors from several other schools in our area. Our students did very well with the following students Angelika, Samuel, Scott, Caris and Nickolas K progressing to the Division Level of the Cross Country Competition.  


Fete Meeting 

SJV Fete will be held on Saturday October 19th

We thank all the parents who came to the meeting last night and look forward working with the Parish to make this a fabulous event.  We are still asking parents to be a part of the Fete Committee and would welcome any support- big or small! 

The Committee meetings are usually held on a Tuesday at 7pm at SJV and they will be spaced across the next few months. If you can not attend all Committee meetings that would be fine.  The next meeting will be held on 28th May. If you have any questions about different roles that are still needed please call.

The School Contact is our Deputy Principal Jenny Willmott. Ph 85434444

2025 Sibling Enrolments Interviews 

Thank you to all our current  families who have met with leadership staff as part of the 2025 Foundation Interviews.   If you have a child starting school next year (2025) and you have not submitted an enrolment form please contact the school office immediately. 

Open Day Tours

Our final Open Day  Tour is tomorrow 9th  May at 9.15am & 10.15am.


If this date  does not suit, prospective families may ring to make a mutually convenient time.

THANK YOU to the many parents who have spoken so highly about our school to their friends and family. Your support is invaluable. 


A reminder to be very careful when dropping and picking up your students.


Parish Carpark:

At drop off, please get out of your car and bring your child (supervised) into the school grounds. At the end of the day pick them up from the gate and take them supervised to your car. It is unsafe to allow children to walk/ run into the school grounds/ carpark  unsupervised.  


St Johns Way: 

'Kiss and Drop' - please do not get out of the car and hold other cars up. 


Both Carparks and in surrounding streets:

Please be extremely careful when  parking,  backing in to parking bays, reversing, moving from bays.  Always be patient  and alert for students, toddlers and community members. 

Please obey all signs, speed restrictions and be respectful to neighbours and community members.  

Resilience Project Awards

This week we had two awards presented at assembly. Thisath won an award for displaying empathy, by always showing respect, compassion and understanding towards his peers and being an advocate for those around him. 

Mrs Perkins won an award for Mindfulness for being mindful and in the moment at school.


Walk to School Day

Please remember that if you walk to school on Friday 10th, even part of the way the gates will be open from 8.15am. Our House captains will be there to share fruit and non permanent 'Walk to School' tattoos with those children who would like one.

From the Office...

It is vitalthat we have the most up to date information. 

If your phone number, email address, home address & emergency contacts etc have changed, you must email