Student Wellbeing

Working Together

What is child information sharing?

To help all Victorian children live safe and happy lives, the Victorian Government is improving the way information is shared by certain professionals who work with children and families.

The Child Information Sharing Scheme (CISS) makes it easier for these professionals to see the full picture of the child they work with, helping them to understand what they can share, and how to protect a family's privacy.

Many children will need support at some stage in their lives. Getting the right support at the right time can make an enormous difference to a child’s wellbeing.

Anything that impacts a child’s ability to grow, learn, play or rest peacefully is a factor of wellbeing.

This can include a child’s:

  • physical, psychological, and emotional health
  • accommodation
  • nourishment
  • safe and stable environments
  • access to services
  • protection from the elements
  • access to learning and development resources
  • engagement in supportive relationships
  • participation in activities that enable development

From the time they’re born, until they turn 18, the Child Information Sharing Reforms help children and their families live safe, healthy lives by getting better support from professionals and organisations that work with children.

All Victorian children are automatically included from birth.


How does it help Professionals?

Child Information Sharing enables professionals who support and care for children (such as teachers and nurses) to share their experience and knowledge about a child with each other, to determine how to best offer support to the child and their families.

It also provides guidelines on how to request, share and document this information, helping them to:

  • understand what they can share
  • see the full picture of the child they work with
  • provide help and support sooner
  • understand how to protect a family’s privacy


Kind Regards

Jenny Willmott

Deputy Principal/ Student Wellbeing Leader