Principal's Report

 - Tania Sorbello

Welcome Back to Term 2

Welcome back everyone. We hope you were able to take some time to relax and restore with loved ones over the term break and are ready for a great term’s learning in Term 2.


There is a lot to squeeze into this term. We have Special Person’s Day, District Cross Country, the Grade 5 and 6 camp to Camp Jungai and our Little Long Walk to culminate our Reconciliation Week celebrations amongst many other events.


We have put together a ‘for the fridge’ calendar of events for families and it is attached for your reference. All events are correct as at today’s date – please be advised that we will notify you of any changes / additions as we become aware. 

Building Project Update

Much of the interior refurbishment is now complete on Stage 1B of the building project; with handover expected any day now. This will result in the handover of additional classroom spaces, a new front entrance and administration area, along with a wonderful new staffroom for our staff. 


As we move into Stage 2 of the build, we will see the builders complete the asphalt and exterior works around the Hall and Basketball Court, as well as move down to the north end of the building (where our current main entrance is) for a refurbishment of this area, along with the creation of a new Art Room and outdoor Art Learning Space.

Around the School

Over the holidays we had some additional works happening out in the yard. Our plumber undertook extensive works investigating and ‘blasting’ out our water and sewer pipes in an effort to improve functionality across the school. 


Our outdated bubbler taps were replaced and additional drink bottle filler taps were installed. Sand traps were installed in an effort to prevent sand build up in the pipes but, unfortunately, our 150 year old pipes have not held up as well as we had hoped this week near the Adventure Playground, so our plumber will head back out next week to further investigate the situation.


Earlier this week, our Grounds Working Party met to discuss the upcoming projects across the school: the Junior School Playground, the Fergie Street Landscaping and the Block Resurfacing projects. The JS Playground and Block Resurfacing works rely somewhat on the completion of the Capital Works Project to ensure the school retains sufficient emergency egress points, but it is likely that our works on the Fergie Street Landscaping will begin first and we can’t wait to include our community in bringing this area to life. 


A huge thank you to Joe Norster and Lincoln Gray for their reconnaissance work around The Block resurfacing works and to Melissa Lim, Helen Jowett, Alex Jennings and the BESI team for their continued support as we prepare to move quickly once we are able to get in and get started on these projects!

2025 Year 7 Enrolments 

Earlier this week, the enrolment process for students transitioning from Year 6 – 7 began for students enrolling in Victorian Government Secondary Schools in 2025. This included the distribution of a Placement Information Pack, along with a Year 7 Transition Factsheet. The Transition Factsheet can be found here and is available in English, Arabic, Chinese, Dari and Vietnamese.


If you have any questions regarding the enrolment or transition process, please reach out to your classroom teacher or the front office.

2025 Prep Enrolments

Do you or someone you know have a child starting school in 2025? We are now accepting enrolments for next year, with school tours being held fortnightly on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am.


Additionally, prospective families are invited to join us on Wednesday 8th May, 2024 at 6:00pm for our Prep 2025 Information Evening. The evening will provide families with information about our school, our curriculum, our community and the 2025 enrolment process. 


Please follow the link below to book yourself into the Information Session here or one of our fortnightly school tours here.


Go gently,
