St Brigid's News and Events

Golden Boot Award
At next week’s school assembly, we are launching our participation in the WOW (Walk or Wheel Once a Week) program, in collaboration with the City of Kingston. WOW is an initiative to promote walking or wheeling to school every Wednesday, starting May 15 until Wednesday, June, 19.
Wellbeing Reps will track their participation on a WOW wall calendar, competing for the prestigious Golden Boot Award!
Along with the Council, we want to encourage healthy habits and reduce traffic
congestion around the school. By walking, riding, scooting, or skating to school, students to improve their health and also contribute to road safety awareness.
Some Important tips:
Stop, Look, Listen, and Think before crossing the road.
Slow down near driveways.
Always exit the car on the footpath side for safety.
Waste Incursion
Next week students will participate in a “Wipe out Waste’ incursion, led by Kingston Council. Students will engage in activities that help develop an understanding of different ways to reduce, reuse and recycle.
Body Education
We are once again hosting Body Education sessions here at St Brigid’s this year. Please put the following dates in your diaries Monday, June 11 and Tuesday, June 12. These sessions will be held in the hall in the afternoon and evening. More details to come in the next newsletter.
Trading Cards
It is that time of year again when students are excitedly bringing their footy, soccer and Pokemon cards to school. Just a friendly reminder that they are more than welcome to bring trading cards to school to play with, but we do not trade cards with our friends.
Walk to School Day
Walk to School Day is on Friday 10th May (which is our Mother's day breakfast) so we will be Walking to School on Wednesday 8th May. We will meet at the 'Peanut Park' at 8.15am and walk to school together.
Christine Thredgold
Learning and Diversity Leader
Book club
Book club orders close 5pm on Monday 6th May.