Principal's News

Where every child is known, challenged and supported to be lifelong learners.

Dear Parents and Friends of St Brigid’s,


We hope you all had a great long weekend and spent time with family and friends. 

It has certainly been busy since my last newsletter and our winter weather has arrived - rain, wind and cold! With all this rain and wind it is timely that we have moved into our Winter Uniform. We have winter beanies for sale here at school for $15 and please if you have one put a raincoat in your child’s bag to keep the chill out.


Just a reminder that Mr Tim Richardson will be officially opening our new playground tomorrow  at 9am. All welcome to attend


From this week only the Winter Uniform is to be worn in its entirety.   There are  few nasty bugs and virus’ around at the moment, so make sure you stay warm and dry. 

We have spoken to PSW and at the moment they have no size 10 jackets in stock. The jackets will be in stock by next week. PSW are not open Monday but they think the jackets should be there by Wednesday or Thursday. If you are waiting for a jacket, please let your child wear another jacket and write a note to their teacher.


We have got a few cases of the dreaded COVID at school at the moment - we have 2 staff and 1 student in the junior level who have tested positive. 


This is the advice from Health Victoria 

Primary school and children's services centre exclusion for COVID-19

Children diagnosed with COVID-19 are recommended to isolate. They should not attend school or childcare until 5 days after the date of the positive PCR or rapid antigen test result for COVID-19 and until acute symptoms of COVID-19 have resolved.

Acute symptoms include:

  • runny nose
  • sore throat
  • cough
  • shortness of breath
  • fever, chills and/or sweats.

There are also many other viruses and colds around at the moment so please watch for signs and symptoms and if your child is unwell please keep them at home. 



The last two weeks have seen our F-Year 4 children enjoying their swimming lessons. This program is about building up their water safety, confidence and enjoyment of being in the water. All our children have thoroughly enjoyed these lessons, even though they all were very tired! The teachers have all said how beautifully they have behaved and how they followed instructions from their swimming teachers. I was down at the pool nearly every day and I could  not be prouder of how well they swam and their beautiful manners! Well done to our swimmers.


Thank you to the children who went to Cross Country Training on Monday and this morning - it was great to see your enthusiasm and energy running around the track. Thanks Hannah for the work you are putting in with these students. 


Tha last two weeks at running club, we have run a total of 681 laps  which is 34.1 km. This gives us an overall total of  424.9 km.

We are on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy in New South Wales in Warrah.

We are almost half way to Sydney!



If you have a child ready for Foundation 2025, we encourage you to please put in an enrolment form as soon as possible. Our enrolment period closes next week. This helps us to start planning and organising our transition sessions, such as Storytime with Mrs Sullivan, Information Nights and our Transition Sessions. To access an enrolment form:

  • Drop into the school office to collect one
  • Email and ask for a form to be sent home
  • Visit the enrolment section of our school website and download a form


What a pleasure it was to be part of the Sacrament of Eucharist on Sunday 21st April  with our Year 4 students. It was an honour and a privilege to watch them receive the Eucharist in such a reverent and respectful manner. Thank you to the parents for all the support you gave your children in preparing them for the Sacrament. Thank you to Cassie, Annemarie, Andrea and Jodie for teaching the children all about the Sacrament of Eucharist and preparing them so well. 



Friday 19th April we had a very special visitor to St Brigid’s - Archbishop Peter Comensoli. He was very impressed with the questions our Year 5/6 students asked and he really enjoyed visiting our school. 


As a school we celebrated ANZAC day with many classroom activities. For example- having studied the significance and events of ANZAC day in the classroom the Year 5 and 6  boys were in the sandpit constructing ANZAC Cove in Gallipoli. We concluded our celebrations with school liturgy on the Wednesday afternoon led by our Year 6 Liturgy and Community leaders.

Many families joined the school at the march at Mentone to the Mentone RSL. Chloe and Joshua presentented the wreath on our behalf.


We are keeping the Clough Family - Tammy, Peter (2015) and Sonia (2017) in our thoughts and prayers this week with the sad news of the tragic passing of their beloved Husband and Father on Sunday 21st of April. 


We are also keeping the Elliott family - Sam ,Jess, Thomas, Zara and Spencer in our thoughts and prayers after the passing of Sam's father


Yours in partnership

Wendy Sullivan.