What's been happening this term?

Pasifika dance excursion
The Pasifika dance group performed two items at the Ambarvale High School Multicultural Day on Friday 15th November. We were the only primary school to attend, but gladly represented Woodland Road Public School at this community event. To top it off, we were the first group to use our new school bus!
Well done to the dance students for their eager personalities and giving it all they had!
High School Transitions
All year 6 students participated in a High School Taster Day held at our school a couple of weeks ago and experienced what high school might be like next year. Students had the opportunity to move into different learning spaces, have a range of teachers and follow a timetable. It was a great day!
Choir excursion
Our school choir went on an excursion to Kilbride Aged Care Home to sing Christmas carols for the residents. It was a wonderful opportunity to get our school name out into the community and bring some Christmas cheer to those in the home. We even had the Kilbride choir sing carols for us in the garden! What a merry day it was.