Classroom & Curriculum News

Year 3/4 Portsea Camp 2024
From Monday, November 25th, to Wednesday, November 27th, the Year 3/4 students and their teachers attended Portsea Camp. It was inspiring to see the students step out of their comfort zones and accomplish things they never thought possible. We quickly discovered we have many adventurous students among us!
The weather was mostly lovely, and we enjoyed a beautiful warm, sunny day for beach activities—absolutely perfect. It was heartwarming to see the students interacting so positively and encouraging one another throughout the camp.
During meal times, students took on breakfast, lunch, and dinner duties, including setting tables and cleaning up for the group. The camp meals were a hit, featuring dishes like Moroccan chicken, Taco bowls, build-your-own rolls, and delicious desserts. Many students eagerly lined up for seconds, proving how hungry camp life can make you!
Camp is always an invaluable experience, helping students grow in independence and responsibility while learning new skills and pushing their limits. The teachers were incredibly proud of the students' resilience, determination, kindness, and fantastic sense of fun and adventure. Special thanks to the teachers who came along and heped supervise to ensure that camp was safe, fun and a positive experience for everyone.
Portsea Camp was a resounding success, leaving us all with many happy memories to treasure!
Year 6 'Road to Zero' excursion
A few weeks ago, the Year 6 students went to the Melbourne Museum for a workshop relating to road safety and transportation to and from school.
As part of the workshop, the students worked together in small groups to create a short road safety video relating to bike or road safety. This video included pre made clips and statistics that the students blended together, as well as adding their own slogan.
As a school, we submitted two of the videos into a pool of other videos created by other schools in Victoria.
Amazing news... one video made the short list and another video won first prize!!!!
Congratulations to Ebony, Mariah and Darcie for their clever video and slogan "Eyes on the road, not on your phone"
First place video: Download Pod B2 (Ebony, Mariah, Da
Other videos created by Year 6 students
Download Pod B1 (Xavier, Joseph, Jakub, James)
Download Pod B3 (Pearl, Marley, Corali)
Download Pod B4 (Aiden, Owen, Julien, Matthew)
Download Pod B5 (Luella, Alexa, Alexys)
As Christmas/Natale is around the corner, the children have been learning about the cultural celebrations and traditions in Italy during this festive time. We have been talking about ‘La Befana,’ Who is she? Ask your children and let them teach you a thing or two! I am sure your children have told you all about the traditional Christmas cake ‘il Panettone’ and the celebration of the birth of baby Jesus/Gesu’ bambino in the small towns/ big cities of Italy! The nativity scene / ’il presepio’ displayed in churches, homes, town squares etc… The importance of celebrating this special event as a family and having a Merry Christmas.
We congratulate all the children for their outstanding work throughout the year and their
enthusiasm in learning another language.
Happy holidays and keep safe!
Buon Natale e Buon Anno!
Farewell and good luck to all year 6 students as they begin their next chapter in life, to a new journey that will bring many hopes and dreams.
Natalina Paglianiti