Sustainability in Action

Last week, Gina Loewen from Hydro Tasmania visited our school to present a cheque on behalf of Keep Australia Beautiful School Sustainability Grants. Gina presented our school with a cheque for $1500 that the school used to develop its new market garden behind Emmaus. Following the presentation, students from Grade 1,2 and 5/6 led Gina on a tour around our school gardens. The school is very grateful to Keep Australia Beautiful and Hydro Tasmania for their generous donation.
I would sincerely like to thank John Paul II parents, Renee and Ryan Oswin, who have been great supporters of our school and our garden program, through their Howrah Garden Centre business. They have provided the school with excellent plants and resources and also been very generous through their discounts and advice. The stock of trees they provided for our “Fabulous Fruits For the Future” project is an excellent example of this generosity. We wish them well in their future business endeavours.
We are very grateful for the volunteer help we have received this year. In particular, we sincerely thank Mr Stan Andrewartha, grandfather of Maddie and Aiden Henwood, who comes along every Thursday to assist with our school garden program. Thank you Stan! We really appreciate your generous support.
Special thanks to Mrs Bridget Henwood who has run our school cooking program this year. Many students have enjoyed making a range of different foods in this program.
Mr Andrea Camino and Mrs Bridget Henwood have been great supporters of our school garden program. They harvest fresh produce daily and use it to create amazing meals for our school lunch program.
Special thanks also to our school utility officer, Matt Westwood, who regularly assists our school garden program with watering, maintenance and many other duties.
Thank you also to our amazing school staff who have supported our school sustainability program this year. Your interest and willingness to encourage student participation has been appreciated!
Congratulations to the many students who have participated in our school sustainability program this year. Your regular help has helped our school create amazing gardens around our school. The veggies, fruit trees and plants you have helped to grow are really thriving!
Luch Brighella
Sustainability Teacher
We are always doing some outdoor gardening activities each Thursday at our school. If you can spare a couple of hours to come in weekly, fortnightly, monthly we could sure use your help. We also have a new cooking program happening with the students, and volunteers are needed for that program as well.
If you can assist contact me (Luch) via my email: or contact the school office on 6247 7104. Please ensure you have a current Working with Vulnerable People Card.
Luch Brighella
School Sustainability Teacher