From the Principal

Welcome back to another exciting year at Parkdale Primary! 


We hope you all had a restful and enjoyable break, enjoying time with family and friends and making the most of the amazing summer. It was fantastic to see lots of smiles and excitement from both children and parents this morning ready to begin the school year with a new group of classmates and teacher. 


Our dedicated staff have been working hard to prepare for the 2025 school year. Learning how to learn is a key focus for the next 2 weeks and getting to know the students. 


This year, we have many events, including our School Concert.  We also encourage families to be involved through PPA, School Council, Class reps or volunteering for special events. 


A special welcome to our Foundation students who begin their school journey tomorrow. We can’t wait to see them grow and flourish in the years ahead. To our senior students, this is your year to lead and make lasting memories.

  1. Thursday 13th February will be our first full newsletter for the term.  There will be lots of information so please make the time to read through this at some stage.

  2. As the children settle in this week, there will be no assembly on Friday.  Our first assembly will be next Friday 7th February.  

  3. A reminder that OSHC & external sports have access to the school grounds before and after school.  Students and parents should not be on school grounds before 8:45am when the bell will ring, and we ask that parents leave the school grounds by 3:40pm. 

  4. With the warm weather, all students need a sun smart school hat, a drink bottle and we encourage students to bring their own sunscreen. (Sunscreen is available in the classrooms).

We look forward to a fantastic 2025.


Kind regards

Leanne Bradney