Holy Cross Happenings 

Welcome to our new Preps and their Families! 


The Lye Family
The Lye Family



Prep and Year 6 Buddies 

Our Year 6 buddies were just as excited as our Preps to meet each other this week! During snack time, they helped their younger buddies navigate lunch boxes, tie shoelaces, and explore the playground. Next week, we look forward to spending full days together, no doubt our Preps will keep their Year 6 buddies on their toes!


Welcome back!


We were greeted by so many happy faces this week! Along with our new Preps and their families, and our new students and their families, we also had the joy of meeting new siblings and even some new puppies! A special congratulations to the Moylan family on welcoming little Bodie to their family over the holidays.