The Academy

Professional learning at the Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership
The Victorian Academy of Teaching and Leadership (the Academy) offers a wide range of evidence-informed professional learning designed to advance school leaders skills from great to exceptional.
Explore the highlights below or visit the Academy website for further professional learning opportunities.
Harvard Instructional Leadership Certificate
Commences 13 March
Build your instructional leadership skills to become a more effective instructional coach, mentor and leader within your team and school.
For more information and to apply visit the Harvard Instructional Leadership Certificate webpage.
Data-driven School Improvement
Commences 1 May
Learn how to use data to improve student and school outcomes. Over one day teams will use case studies and their school data to analyse themes and create action plans.
For more information and to apply visit the Data-driven School Improvement webpage.
Literacy and Numeracy, Pedagogy and Practice
Multiple dates and locations
Professional learning aimed at enhancing leadership skills. Literacy Pedagogy and Practice builds your capacity to implement practices that promote high-impact literacy teaching. Numeracy Pedagogy and Practice supports you to build strategies to lead numeracy improvement in your school.
For more information and to apply visit the Literacy and Numeracy webpage.
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