
A Thrilling End to Term 4!

While Term 4 often winds down, this year has been anything but quiet in the Agriculture department! The school farm has been bustling with new life and exciting experiences that have left everyone inspired.


We are thrilled to announce that each of our three goats welcomed twin kids, tripling our goat population and filling the farm with playful energy. Additionally, our beloved lamb Smudge now has a stepsister, Willow, born this term. Smudge and Willow are already forming a close bond, sharing attention and companionship, much to the delight of our students.


The highlight of the term was hosting Craig Reucassel from ABC TV's War on Waste and 702 ABC Radio's Breakfast Program. This occurred as the result of the generosity of a 702 listener who purchased Craig’s time in the ABC’s fundraising auction (for Food Bank) and then donated him to us. Craig delivered an inspiring talk to our Agriculture students on waste reduction and sustainability. He then toured our farm to see our sustainable practices in action, including our composting system, worm farm, and wicking beds. He also met some of our friendly livestock. Craig was extremely generous with his time and showed an interest in everything the students showed him. As a token of appreciation, our students prepared a hamper filled with fresh produce from our Ag Plot, showcasing the fruits of their labour. Craig spoke glowingly about our school on ABC Radio the following week, highlighting the passion of our students. 


Meanwhile, our students have been enjoying the fruits of the season, literally! The Youngberries on the farm have been a hit, with students savouring their sweet and tangy flavours during breaks. Additionally, the Year 7 sunflowers have reached full bloom, adding a vibrant splash of colour to the Ag Plot. These stunning flowers will serve a special purpose, with some being used to decorate the stage for Presentation Night.


As we wrap up an eventful term, we reflect on the growth, learning, and fun we’ve experienced. A huge thank you to our Agriculture students for their hard work and enthusiasm, and to our community for continuing to support our vibrant farm.


Here’s to more exciting adventures in the new year!


Ms Atkinson
