Assistant Principal's


It’s been such an exciting week, with a great buzz in the air. Although the heat and end-of-year exhaustion are kicking in, we have had another wonderful week. Thank you to the parents who supported the excursions this week and volunteered their time. Without your help, we wouldn’t be able to run them.

Sun smart

As you know, in Term four, all students must have a hat to play outside or go on an excursion. Can you please ensure your child has a hat and encourage them to apply sunscreen during the day. We are experiencing super hot days with an extremely high UV index. All classrooms and the office area have sunscreen available for students to use.

Traffic school excursion

The preps and grade 1/2 students participated in traffic school this week. From what I hear, many conscious bike riders stopped at traffic lights and slowed down for pedestrians. However, a few had to be reminded that red means stop! The kids seem to have had a wonderful time participating, and we were extremely lucky with the weather.

Re-opening of the Block

I understand this was probably the most anticipated and exciting event of the week! This term alone at least 20 students have been asking me every day when the block is opening. I have spent hours Googling ‘grass health’ to try to figure out the best time. After weeks of sun and rain, we felt the time was right. We had a lovely snack picnic at 10.55 am on the grass; the students rolled around, did cartwheels and just had a soft, cushiony spot to sit and chat. The Block is officially open. However, large ball games are not permitted at the moment, and grade 3 to 6 students are encouraged to go to the Park for ball games.

Grade 3/4 Choir excursion 

What an amazing opportunity this was! Some of our grade 3/4 students performed for the patients at St Vincent Hospital. They had a wonderful time, and I know this must have been such an uplifting experience for the patients as well.  Well done to everyone who participated and to Tanya D for organising it and the rehearsals.

Prep Transition and buddies

We had our last prep transition this week. The grade 5 students had the opportunity to meet their Prep Buddy and give them the buddy book they had made. I am still speechless and incredibly proud of the books they have made. So much time and attention has gone into them; what an amazing gift for the preppies. A huge thank you to the grade 5s and Refi and Evie for their hard work.

Tabloid sports

Who wouldn’t love a few hours of playing fun mini-Olympic activities. Ben and the grade 6 students did a wonderful job of organising and setting up this event. The Prep to grade 4 students had so much fun running around, playing, throwing bean bags, jumping over hurdles, hopping in a sack so much more. 


Have a wonderful weekend.


Stay cool.

