Team Foundation News

Welcome to Boroondara Park Primary!


Yay! The first day of school was finally here! All the Foundation students were so excited to finally begin BIG school at Boroondara Park Primary! 




The day began with the FKJ students entering the classroom and finding their own bag tags to place their school bags on. They then put on their name tags and walked into the Developmental Play room to explore and play. There was Lego, colouring, home corner, craft table, doll dress- up, science table and much more to explore! Children began to talk and get to know the other Foundation students while investigating these activities. 






At 9:30am Miss Jones asked the students to walk back to Room 1 and sit on the floor - ready to start the school day. They were introduced to the 'What's on today?' board as well as the pencil boxes. The 'What's on today?' board, is looked at each morning. This board visually displays the sequence of activities in a learner's day. One of the benefits of a visual schedule is that it helps students know what comes next, which can prepare students who may be unsettled by changes to upcoming tasks or classroom transitions. 





When learning about the pencil boxes, students learnt how to open up the glue sticks, how to correctly and safely hold and use the scissors, how to use the wind up crayons and how to put on the lids to the coloured textas. The students also learnt about the grey lead pencils and that these pencils are used whenever we write our names or when we do other writing.



Afterwards the students completed two activities. They coloured in their Term 1 front covers as well as their first ever school drawing. Students were asked to draw a picture of what they were mostly looking forward to doing at school. The children were looking forward to many different activities such as: learning how to read, going to P.E., visiting the library, playing with their friends outside and playing Maths games in the classroom.


Before recess the students played a Name Game - to get to know the names of all of the students in FKJ. They then ate their morning snack and then the whole grade went for a walk out to the Area 1 playground area to find out where they could play. In Week One only the Foundation students were allowed to play in the Area One playground. Foundation students are slowly introduced to the different playground areas in the first few weeks of school. This slow introduction to the playground allows the students to feel comfortable and secure outside. 






When they returned to the FKJ classroom the students watched a Powerpoint and got to learn a bit more about Miss Jones. They then coloured in their very own personal banner. The students had to share personal information such as: their name, age, favourite colour/food and animal and then drew a picture of themselves. 



At the conclusion of the day the students came in after lunch play. They listened to a story, relaxed their bodies by completing a meditation activity and then went back to the Developmental Play area to explore more activities. 


What a busy day at school! The Foundation students did so much learning on their first official day of BIG school. All of this learning will help them to become confident and happy learners in the classroom. Day two will be full of more learning and excitement - I wonder what will happen?


Kirstin Jones

Foundation Teacher