

A warm welcome back to SFS for 2025 to our families and a special welcome to all our new families. For those that do not know me, my name is Rachel Lenko and I am the Mental Health and Wellbeing leader at the school. 


Last year I started the training as the Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader (MHaWL) as part of the state government funded Mental Health in Primary school’s program (MHiPs). 


Children’s mental health is fundamental to their development and learning. Good mental health means having a positive sense of wellbeing, coping with challenges and being able to realise individual potential. Unfortunately, not all children experience good mental health. Schools are an ideal platform for promoting children’s mental health. Yet, without resourcing and dedicated training and support, it can be challenging for teachers to navigate increasing mental health issues in the classroom.


Developed by paediatricians, educators, psychologists, researchers, and teachers, the Mental Health in Primary Schools (MHiPS) program upskills experienced teachers to become Mental Health and Wellbeing Leaders and aims to increase the capacity of Victorian primary schools to support the mental health of their students.


Key Facts

  • In Australia, 1 in 12 children aged 4-11 years have a diagnosed mental health disorder
  • 20 per cent of children experience mental health difficulties that affect their daily living
  • The MHiPS program has been rolled out to 100 Victorian Primary Schools so far
  • Over 95% of participants in the program agreed the MHWL model had increased whole-school capacity to support student mental health and wellbeing

Teachers are ideally placed to address emerging mental health issues. 

My role as the MHaWL is to build the capability of the whole school about mental health and wellbeing (identification, promotion and prevention), provide support to staff to better identify and support students with mental health needs, establish clear pathways for referral for students requiring assessment and intervention, and monitor and evaluate student progress.



                          Proudly in partnership with


If you have any concerns about the mental health and wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me at school or via email, rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au




At SFS, our PBL (Positive Behaviours for Learning) school wide expectations are:


Responsibility and 



As this week is our first week back at school, the teachers have focused with the children on re-establishing school learning routines. Some of these routines include eating inside or outside, beginning and end of day routines, packing up and transitions. 


These routines are taught explicitly so children are clear about expected behaviours. The teachers will start handing out PBL acknowledgement cards this week to children who demonstrate expected behaviours. 


If your child brings a card home, please have a chat to them about why they received the card and sign the card so your child can return it to school. The signed cards go into a box in the learning space and each Friday a lucky card is drawn. The child chosen then chooses from the PBL reward menu. 


Some of the choices include: Come dressed in casual clothes for a day, shooting hoops outside or extra play, principal or teacher assistant or some free time in class. We will have our first raffles next Friday and we will recognize our PBL winners in the newsletter. 



This week we celebrated SWELL week (Student wellbeing week). We always start the year with a focus on Student Wellbeing and building relationships between students and teachers as well as setting up learning routines and expected behaviours. The children have been playing some games and participating in fun activities this week to get to know their teachers and class mates. The children have been working on a whole school art project that will go up somewhere in the school. Classes also began work on a class prayer cloth to be used throughout the year.




Whole school Incursion KABOOM Kids and Welcome Picnic

Next Tuesday 4th February, we are going to have a whole school incursion with Kaboom Kids. The children are asked to wear their sport’s uniform on this day. The incursion will run in the morning block and the children will participate in tabloid sports fun games and activities in mixed groups from Foundation to Year 6. There is a form on Operoo that has been sent out. If you have not already responded, please acknowledge this form.

We will also have a special assembly on this day in the school hall at 2.20pm which all families are all warmly invited to attend. The children will share what they have been learning about during SWELL week and we will have a special performance from our Senior choir.


We will also be having our Twilight Welcome picnic at school next Friday 7th February. This will run after school from 5.30 pm until 7.30pm. Kaboom kids will again join us at SFS on this night and run the tabloid sport games for families to join in some fun between 5.30 and 6.30pm. Parents are then asked to BYO picnic dinner, blankets and chairs and have their meal from 6.30 to 7.30pm. Please respond on Operoo if you are able or unable to come so that we have an idea of how many families will be coming. I look forward to seeing lots of families then. 

SEASONS for Growth

Seasons for Growth Learning to live with change and loss

Everyone is affected by change and loss at some time in our lives. At SFS we recognise that when changes occur such as separation, divorce, death, school transitions and natural disasters children may benefit from learning the skills to manage these changes effectively. We are therefore offering an education program called Seasons for Growth which will commence in Term 1 and run throughout the year. This program is facilitated in small groups of up to 7 participants and is based on research which highlights the importance of social support and the need the practise new skills to cope effectively with change and loss. The program focuses on building skills such as how to manage feelings, problem-solving, decision-making, effective communication and develops peer support networks. Participation in the program can promote improved self-esteem and self-confidence as well as giving children the opportunity to find their own voice amid change. If you think your child/ children would enjoy joining the Seasons for Growth program, we encourage you to talk to him/her about it. We are pleased to be able to offer this successful program and we are confident that it will be a valuable learning experience for those involved. If you require further information please contact Rachel Lenko or speak to your child’s Homegroup teacher about your child participating in the program. 

If you have any concerns about the mental health or wellbeing of your child, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am available to speak to at school, via the phone or email on rlenko@sfslynbrook.catholic.edu.au


Rachel Lenko

Mental Health and Wellbeing Leader