
In Term One through the explicit teaching of the reading strategies of CAFÉ; Comprehension, Accuracy, Fluency and Expand Vocabulary, students will be focusing on various comprehension strategies such as using their prior knowledge to predict and connect with texts, recognising literacy elements (genre, plot, character, setting, problem/resolution and theme) and language features, to gain a deeper understanding of the texts they are reading. They will be analysing Narrative texts for how authors engage their audience with Sizzling Starts, Tightening Tensions, Dynamic Dialogue and Exciting Endings.  



To support your child at home, you may find the following tasks helpful:     

  • Read with your child each night. Ask them questions to check their comprehension such as, “What was the problem in the story?” “How do you think the character was feeling?” “How did the story end?” 
  • Ask your child to summarise what they have read 
  • Expose your child to a variety of different books 
  • Take your child to the local library to browse and borrow 
  • Have your child log into and use Reading Eggs