PFA Dates for 2024

The next meeting of the Parents and Friends Committee (PFA) will be at 7pm on the 5th of  March in the staffroom. Enter through the front door of the school. Please join us!

 How much you wish to be involved is up to you - but we can't do it without you!


If you are keen to pop your name on a 2024 Volunteer Whatsapp group, please click on this link - we promise not to bombard you with messages!


If you are interested in joining the PFA, a group of school community members and IPS staff who coordinate events, please click this link to join our Whatsapp group


Remember, nobody can do everything, but everybody can do something!

Below are some "Save the dates" for this year's events. 

Barefoot Bowls Saturday 23rd March


Mother's Day stall Wednesday 8th May


Mother's Day Breakfast Thursday 9th May


Disco Friday 26th July


Trivia Saturday 17th August 


Father's Day stall Wednesday 28th August


Father's Day Breakfast Thursday 29th August


Last but not least, for those of you who don't know, I am stepping down from the PFA Coordinator role (though I'll remain on the committee). I need to spend a bit more time concentrating my efforts on my new role at work. 


So, if any of you would like to put your hand up to coordinate the committee, please contact myself and Mark. Also, if you know of anybody in our community who is bossy enough to keep all of us in line and is somewhat organised, please get them to contact us, too. 


Once again, thank you for your ongoing support of our great community at IPS! 

