
Megan, Anthony & Sepinoud 2M

This term the Grade 1 and 2 students have been learning about five distinct desert communities (Ernabella (Pukatja), Fregon (Kaltjiti), Utopia, Yuendumu and Kintore (Walungurru) who have adopted and adapted the art of batik and made it their own. 


Batik is a wax resist process that was developed in Indonesia and requires the use of melted wax to draw intricate designs and then submersing the material in dye. The wax is then melted off and the patterns remain, imprinted onto the fabric. 


Inspired by the flowers and leaves found in our IPS garden, the students drew stylised versions of these and collaborated with their group about where to place them. White oil pastel was drawn around them to create a resist and a wash was used as the background. The students chose three analogous colours and worked together to paint the drawings with liquid water colour.


Here are some of the students working together and drawings before colour was added: 

Zoe, Lana, Ciara 2S
Briley, Lili, Marli 2S
Sophie, Nian, Audrey 2M
Ryan, Chloe, Zoe 2M
Zoe, Lana, Ciara 2S
Briley, Lili, Marli 2S
Sophie, Nian, Audrey 2M
Ryan, Chloe, Zoe 2M
Charlie, Lucy, Alma 2N
Heidi, Emmett, Georgia, Jerry 1L
Florence, Lachlan, Cara 1L
Evie, Grace, Mila 1L
Sylvie, Amber, Aviana 2N
Charlie, Lucy, Alma 2N
Heidi, Emmett, Georgia, Jerry 1L
Florence, Lachlan, Cara 1L
Evie, Grace, Mila 1L
Sylvie, Amber, Aviana 2N
Georgia, Heidi, Emmett, Jerry 1L
Evie, Mila, Grace 1L
Phoebe, Eve, Everly 2S
Georgia, Heidi, Emmett, Jerry 1L
Evie, Mila, Grace 1L
Phoebe, Eve, Everly 2S

Cendrine Rodriguez

Art Teacher